Starting at U.A

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I know, my last chapter was Izuku starting his 3rd year in middle school but, I'm fucking lazy so...let's go to U.A bitches.

Izuku's POV

I was standing in front of the doors of class 1-A, I couldn't believe it...I finally made it to U.A!!!

I opened the sliding door to get greeted by a boy with blue hair and glasses, Tenya Iida, he seemed really nice too! I got greeted by another person, Ochaco Uraraka she was really pretty, of course I love only Kacchan, he never tells anyone about our relationship though...I'm a little hurt, it makes me think he is only dating me out of pity...

I sat right next to him and we started talking, he ignored me for most of the conversation...but after class when everyone else left for lunch he invited me over to his house after school! I was super excited!

-After School-

I was skipping besides Kacchan, I tried grabbing his hand to hold it a few times but he kept pulling away...

When we got to his house he wrapped an arm around me and we walked to his room. I sat on the edge of his bed, I then felt him smack my back pushing me off.

"Don't get on my damn bed you extra! Just because your my boyfriend doesn't mean squat shit!" he yelled, I looked up at him trying not to cry.

'Does he even love me...?' I thought, he looked at me and spoke again.

"Tch...what the hell is the matter? Your acting like I've betrayed you..." I looked down grabbing my phone from my bag, I looked at the time, I had only been here for 10 minutes and I already wanted to leave...

"The hell are you looking at?! I invited you over and your not going to even say anything?!" he said slapping my phone from my hands.

I grabbed my phone off of the floor stuffing it into my bag, pulling on my jacket and back pack, and I walked out of his room...

"Bye Kacchan...see you tomorrow..." I said walking out his front door.

I figured he was in a bad mood so I thought it was best to just leave him be and let him calm down.

Bakugou's POV

Did that damn nerd just leave?! What the hell?!

He thinks that just because we are dating he thinks he can do whatever he wants, pathetic...he's acting like I don't love him-


It FINALLY  fucking hit me...Izuku thinks that I don't love him...God..I'm just so fucking moody, I was jealous that he was talking to that round faced bitch...

God dammit Izuku...I'm sorry...

He knows I love him, right? Yeah, he should, I guess I can give him a kiss on the forehead tomorrow before class starts, that way nobody sees us...

-Next Day-

Izuku's POV

I was walking to school, hopefully Kacchan is in a better mood! 

I walked to my classroom before Kacchan's hand stopped me, he held the door shut and kissed my forehead "I love you, you damn nerd..." he said before walking away.

I smiled brightly 'He does love me!' I thought to myself.

I sat in my seat smiling bright as ever, I felt a lot better today!

-A Few Months Later-

Kacchan was being a lot more distant recently...I started thinking that...he fell out of love...this is why I never told him about his children...he would feel responsible for them and only 'love' me out of pity because we were fucking stupid and I got pregnant...

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