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Izuku's POV

I was setting up my monitor, I adjusted it so my face was shown.

I turned everything on, I held the paper I wrote my new song up to hide my face for an intro.


"Hello everyone, I will be revealing my real face to you all in a few seconds, I have a new song to sing to you to I guess 'prove' that this is my real voice to my real face, a lot of people at my school know me and if you are attending my school...please don't treat me differently or specially..." I said, comments flooded in.

I moved the paper away from my face revealing myself to the camera...I smiled to the camera and I noticed nobody said my real name in the chat so I figured none of the people from my class saw it...

"Hi guys! So I uhh...guess this is my face, I hope this isn't a super unexpected thing, anyways, I will be singing a new song that I wrote!" I said as people commented saying how cute I was.

For the last 32 seconds I was crying and shaking, my voice kept breaking and I kept missing the notes on the piano from how sad I was...after I finished I covered my face and cried into my hands.

I just miss Kacchan...all I want is for him to forgive me...but I broke him...

People tried making me feel better and said things like "You don't need him" or "He's not worth it" which made me cry even more, I needed Kacchan...I missed him...

I ended the live and cried myself to sleep.

-After The Weekend-

I was walking to school, I was sure nobody from school would've seen the video, maybe they missed it, I'm sure they would've commented something.

When I walked into the classroom EVERYONE stared at me...great...

Mina, Kaminari, Uraraka, Iida, Kirishima all started talking to me about how cool it was that I was famous and that I should've told them...

"Guys please leave me alo-" I tried saying but I kept getting talked over.

"I can't believe I know a famous person!!!" Mina said squealing.

I felt my body get yanked from the group of people surrounding me, I was pulled into the hallway, I looked forward to see Kacchan standing there...

"K-kacchan..." I said.

"Damn it Deku...why didn't you tell me?!" he said staring directly at me.

"I-I've been doing this for about 3 years, I-I'm sorr-" I got cut off.

"Don't apologize! J-just...who were those really sad love songs you recently post about...?" he said looking at me.

"Y-you...I'm sorry Kacchan..." I said looking away from him tearing up.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed me forehead "No De-Izuku...I'm sorry for making you think I was in love with Kirishima...I was trying to get over you but nothing worked...If I hadn't seen your face reveal video I was...planing on..t-taking my own l-life..." he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

I looked up at him with wide eyes, I cupped his face as tears fell from the brim of my eyes "Why would you take your life for something like this?!" I said wiping his tears.

"I-I thought you hated me f-from what I said...a-about how I didn't love you a-anymore or how n-nobody could ever love someone like y-you..." he said as his voice broke.

I took his hand and brought him to the rooftop, we sat by the railing, he cried into my chest saying how sorry he was and how he couldn't forgive himself.

I lifted his chin and cupped his face pressing my lips to his...even if he didn't love me anymore I still wanted one more kiss...

He kissed me back happily, I smiled before pulling away "K-kacchan...I love you..." I said making him smile "I love you too you damn nerd..." I smiled as soon as I heard these words.

-Hours Later-

I heard 2 familiar voices coming from the hallway when I was in class.

I realized who it was when they got outside the door...fuck...their here...

Both of my son's ran into the classroom screaming "Daddy! Daddy! Grandma is picking you up today!!" one of my son's yelled...everyone's eyes widened...

"WAIT, THE KIDS THING WAS REAL?!" Kaminari yelled.

I nodded before taking my kids into the hallway, Kacchan ran out with me shutting the door.

"Izuku...who's are they...?" he said.

"They're mine?" I said clearly knowing what he actually meant.

"No, who's the the other parent...?" he said pointing to them.

I sighed "I never told you because I thought you'd hate me deserve to Kacchan, those are your kids..." I said, his eyes widened looking at me.

"You don't have to take responsibility for them-" my sentence was cut short.

"Like hell I am going to leave you here to take care of our fucking kids alone! I'm not the kind of person to give you a huge ass fucking responsibility like this!" he said pulling me into a hug.

"Y-you...want to help...take care of them..?" I said tearing up.

"They're my fucking kids aren't they? I'm going to be a good father and be there, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for the first few years of their lives, but I'll be here for the rest of the years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, I'm never going to leave you or them" He said hugging me tightly.

"Thank you Kacchan! Thank you thank you thank you!!" I said crying into his chest.

After a while he got onto his knees getting eye level to both of his kids.

They smiled knowing who he was since I had shown them photos of their other dad.

"Daddy!!!" they both screamed hugging him, he looked at me and started crying while hugging them back.

"I showed them photos of you and told them you were their other father because I knew you had to be in their lives some how..." I said, he smiled hugging them tighter.

"Thank you Izuku...thank you so so much.." he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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