Why I Wrote This Book Spinner

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I though of writing a book one day while working with our horses. I enjoy reading children's books to children and I loved reading books every night to my own children. It's a delight when I am given the opportunity to read to my grandchildren. Therefore, it just seemed natural to create a children's book about a horse.

I feel that reading to children helps them develop language skills, and expand their vocabulary by hearing many words and how they are used.

I believe it is the perfect time to give a child your undivided attention. This personalized attention will help them have a better self esteem and more self confidence to face life.

I, also, feel that a child that is read to is more likely to gain a desire to read and learn when they are older. Another benefit to reading to children at bed time is that they can go to sleep thinking happy thoughts if they have just listened to an uplifting story. This can also be beneficial in helping them have a better nights rest.

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