How the world will benefit from my book Spinner

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Children will benefit from this book by learning about the changes this baby horse goes through as it grows up. Children have to experience many changes in their lives as they grow up, also. Some changes will happen no matter what a child does, just as some of the changes that Spinner deals with in this book. After a child has read or listened to this book, they will have a better understanding of the life of horses as they observe horses. I hope this will help them gain an appreciation for the many ways horses can be a part of our lives. Some horses are just pets and have a pretty easy life but others work hard on ranches and help with difficult ranch chores. Some race and have to run fast. Some have to jump various objects. 

Horses are trained to do many other things, too. But horses like Spinner are taught to spin, slide and change leads when the rider tells them to. So, horses can be a best friend that will listen to a child's words or give companionship to anyone that is sad or lonely. For me, as I grew up, if I was sad or lonely, my horse would listen to me and just be there for me whether I was crying or just wanting to pet him while I talked things out with him. I have heard the saying that goes, "the outside of a horse is good for the inside of man". I believe this is true for me and I hope getting to learn more about horses will be good for children and adults. From this book, I hope all can appreciate horses a little more and appreciate how beautiful these animals are.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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