Chapter 2: The Child

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On our way back to our ship with the child, tiny lizards follow us and seem to be attracted towards the kid in curiosity.

The Son: These things seem to be interested in him a lot. I wonder what kin-

Dad holds his hand out towards me making me stop talking. He points to a few shadows moving on top of us. I nod as both of ready our blasters. We both can hear the sounds of people scurrying and moving around above us. The sounds quickly stop as we begin looking around for where they could appear.

???: (roaring sound)

A trandoshan appears and tries to attack dad, but fortunately, I push him out of the way. The trandoshan's vibro-axe instead of hitting dad, slices my arm.

The Son: Son of a-

I kick the child's pod away from us as another trandoshan with a vibro-axe jumps out at dad, but he grabs his rifle and blocks the spear in the nick of time. The trandoshan I intercepted tries to slice me again but hits my armor. As he tries swing at me another time I grab his vibro-axe and knock him away from me. A third trandoshan tries to jump dad with the other trandoshan but is blocked by him as well. I go help fight one of them as dad tries finish off the other. The trandoshan I'm fighting knocks the axe out of my hands but as he gets ready to swing his, I punch him which makes him disoriented. I then finish him off with a right-hook, knocking him out. The trandoshan that was knocked down tries to rush the kid in his pod, but as Dad finishes off his trandoshan by taking him, he shoots the one running towards the child, disintegrating him right in front of the kid, who seemed unbothered by what just happened.

The Son: (sighs)Trandoshans...That hurt...I can't believe the kid didn't even flinch to the trandoshan being disintegrated.

The Mando: You okay?

The Son: Yea...I'm fine (walks up to the child's pod). I just need a quick fix up.

I hold my arm as I see some sort of beeping device next to the disintegrated trandoshan's clothes. As I pick up the device I realize that the device I was holding was a tracking fob.

The Son: Uh dad?

The Mando: What is it?

I show him the tracking fob. We realized this meant that they were bounty hunters tracking to kill the child.

(Title card)

(Not mine)

The Son: Ow, this hurts you know.

Dad gives first aid to me to heal my wound. It hurts a lot more when my wound is being touched. The Child watches as I struggle.

The Mando: It'd be a lot easier if you'd stop moving...

The Son: Trust me I'm fi-AH, DAMN IT!

The item dad uses pushes it in my wound to sear it.

The Mando: Sorry...

The Son: Can I do this my self? Please?

Dad sighs and gives the searing tool to me so I can heal my wound. He sits next to a lantern he set down so we could rest for a bit.

The Mando: The cut is pretty deep. You sure you don't need help?

The Son: Yea, I'm sure just wait there until I'm done then we can continue heading towards the ship again.

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