Stuck and delay :(

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(Don't read the 2nd paragraph unless you haven't seen the show yet.)

I never thought I would make this but I don't think having a week to make the chapters for this story is going to cut it as it's already Sunday and I'm not finished with the first chapter at all. I wasn't being lazy and was actually trying to get the chapter done but I've hit a roadblock and have been busy with family and schoolwork.

So for the roadblock I need a question answered: Can Mandalorians take their helmets off in front of family? I know of the helmet rule but I need the question answered to continue the story.

With the delays I don't think having a schedule will be ok for me as things may change in my life that might affect the deadlines of chapters I thought I would get done. I sincerely apologize for this mess I brought you. Please answer the question above if you think you know. This does not mean I quit, it just means that not having a schedule will reduce the stress I have in writing the story while being in school being with my family. Thank you so much for understanding I am so sorry for this. I'm so disappointed for hyping you guys up and not being able to get it done. Sorry guys...😔🤦

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