Chapter 2: I'm just trying to get my life together.

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(Whizzer's POV)

April 2nd, 1979

It was around 8:30 in the morning when the sunlight shined through Michael's apartment window. At least I think his name is Michael. I don't remember the names of most of the people I hook up with. I had an interview today with Katharine Georgina Fashions, and I simply could not miss it. I am 27 years old, and I graduated the Perlman School of Fashion when I was 22. How have I managed to live in Manhattan for 5 years? Simple. Doing weird jobs and the occasional one night stand with a rich guy. Did I enjoy my lifestyle? To an extent, yes. I enjoy being single. And I enjoy sex. These things simply go hand in hand. If I was in a relationship, I would be forced to do the whole "monogamy" thing and I refuse to be monogamous unless I want to.  I will only be monogamous if I think the person I am in a relationship is worth it. And so far, I have found no one that is worth it. 

I had brought the clothes I was going to wear to the interview today with me to Michael's apartment last night since his apartment is in Brooklyn and my interview is in Manhattan. I care about my clothes and my appearance a lot. I don't know why, I just do. Maybe that's why I was destined to be a designer. As I began getting out of his bed, Michael rolled over too. 

"Why are you leaving? I enjoyed last night and I want to do it again this morning."

"I'm afraid that won't happen. I have an interview at Katharine Georgina Fashions this morning, and I have rules. I never sleep with someone more than once, I never sleep with anyone in my own apartment, and I never tell anyone my name. So you'll have to find someone else. But I did have fun last night, if that makes you feel any better."

I kissed him on the top of the head as a goodbye. Michael smiled and rolled back over to fall back asleep. A grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom to change.

As I was combing my brown hair and fixing my blue blazer, I began thinking. Why do I do what I do? I mean, I never got a whole lot of love as a kid. My parents were good to me, but they were barely ever around and when they were, they would be busy and never really cared about where I was going that night or what I was doing. So I would go out to bars (no one checks IDs at bars in Dayton, Ohio, which is where I grew up), find a hot guy, hookup, and get home before my parents noticed I was gone. So, this lifestyle isn't new. And I enjoy it for the most part. I get to live in a fabulous apartment in Manhattan, and some of my favorite pieces of clothes that I have weren't cheap. All I can do is hope that when I do find someone to start an actual relationship with that they want to be with me for more than just my body. That they want to get to know the real Whizzer Brown.


I had to take a Taxi to Manhattan today. When the taxi pulled up to the curb to let me out, I made sure I had everything. Binders full of sketches and fabric samples, check. Hair comb, check. Hair gel, check. Latte, check. I was all set. I paid the driver and began the walk to Katharine Georgina Fashions. It was 10 o'clock. I'm perfectly on time.

Just as I was reaching the door to walk into Katharine Georgina Fashions, I am slammed into by a man. A very handsome man. He had fluffy, wavy brown hair and dazzling blue eyes. I didn't have a whole lot of time to admire his physical features though, because when he ran into me, he also ran into the latte I was holding. Which spilled all over me and my blazer.

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