Chapter 6: Don't stop looking in my eyes.

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**Message from the author.
Hi everyone! So in this chapter, Whizzer and Marvin are going to *do it*. So there will be some language, and some parts may get a little graphic. So if that isn't your style, then feel free to skip over this chapter and come back for the next one. But if you are okay with it, then stick around and enjoy!

Happy reading,
Blaire Peters.


April 2nd, 1979

(Whizzer's POV)

"Would you like to take me there?"

Marvin held out his hand and I knew exactly what he was saying. He wanted to go back to my apartment to have sex. I wanted to take his hand, but I realized that if I did, I would be breaking another rule. Never sleep with anyone in my own apartment. But for whatever reason, I was okay with breaking this rule. For Marvin. What was it about him that was making me break two of my three rules in the same day?

I wanted what he wanted too. So I gave him a smirk and took his hand. As we were walking across the street, I couldn't help but look over at Marvin. I noticed he looked like he was going to burst into tears. So I stopped and cupped his face in my hands. 

"Are you alright? What's the matter?"

"I'm okay. I am just so happy that I met you."

At that point, I thought I was going to cry too. I quickly looked around to make sure there was no one around, leaned down, and kissed him. He seemed startled at first, but soon after began kissing me back. His lips were soft and warm. I felt his arms wrap around my back and pull me closer to him. After what seemed like an eternity, Marvin pulled his lips away from mine, took my hand again, and pressed his forehead against my own.

"I need you to take me to your apartment right now."

"As you wish."

We practically ran hand in hand into my apartment building, up the stairs, and to my apartment door. I grabbed my key and practically jammed it into my door, unlocking it. I swung open my door, and we both walked in. I let go of Marvin's hand, shut and locked my door,  and leaned against it. Marvin backed up a few feet and crossed his arms.

"What is it," I asked, concern creeping in as I leaned up against my door.

"Stay there. Do not move."

I did as I was told, and Marvin walked over to the phone hanging on the wall. He dialed and began speaking.

"Trina, it's me..... I'm alright. How's Jason?.............. Good, good........... Well, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be coming home tonight or tomorrow night. I have a lot of work to do for the bank so I'm just going to stay in a hotel...... Uh huh....... Well, I'll call you tomorrow night. Tell Jason I love him.... Uh huh, bye."

I noticed that Marvin didn't even tell Trina that he loved her. Were things really that bad? He hung up the phone, took his blazer off, laid it on my couch, crossed his arms, and looked me up and down.

"I would like to fuck you into the middle of next week."

"Well, what's stopping you?"

That's when Marvin pinned me up against my door, kissing me like crazy. He grabbed my arms and held them above my head.

"Don't move your arms, baby."

"I won't."

He then started to bite my lip and grabbed my thighs. I was in my apartment so I wasn't worried about making too much noise. I heard a small moan escape my mouth, which seemed to turn Marvin on even more. So, he grabbed both of my legs, spread them apart, and started kissing my neck while grinding on me. My neck is my most sensitive part of my body, so I immediately whined when he started sucking on my neck. Marvin in return started sucking on my neck even harder and I could feel myself slowly getting harder. So was Marvin. 

"Take my clothes off, Marvin. Please, take them off," I said in between moans.


Marvin smashed his lips onto mine as he ripped off my blazer. But he stopped kissing me to lay it neatly onto the couch.

"I know how much you like your clothes."

He did the same thing after pulling off my turtleneck. He unbuckled my belt, rolled it up, and set it next to my blazer. He pulled my pants down and unexpectedly grabbed my crotch, causing a mix of a moan and a whine to escape my body.
"I see you've been waiting for me to do this all night. Tell me, is that right?"

He was right. He was so fucking right. I grabbed his ass and pulled his body against mine. 

"You are right. I want you so badly."

Marvin smiled and began pushing me through the hallway into the kitchen, never taking his mouth off of mine. Once we reached the kitchen, he leaned into my ear and whispered,

"Where is the lube?"

"It's in the bathroom. Fuck, I don't know how much longer I can wait, Marvin."

"Patience, my dear. Patience. I can promise you it will be worth it."

And with a smack on the ass, Marvin left to find the bathroom, and I was left to await pleasure. I desperately wanted to be completely naked. I'd been in clothes long enough today. But all I had left on was underwear, and that was my favorite part of clothing for men to take off. But my dick was starting to ache and I started rubbing it with the palm of my hand to take some of the pain away. It was pretty dark outside, but the moon was out so you could still see pretty well. That's when I heard him. 

"You don't get to touch yourself when I'm here."

I turned around and saw Marvin, standing in the doorway with nothing but underwear on, holding the bottle of lube. It caught me off guard.

"Why not?"

"Because when I'm here, I am the only one that gets to make you feel good," he said while tugging on my hair, making me moan and get even harder. Suddenly, Marvin ripped my underwear off, leaving me totally exposed. He looked me up and down and I got a little self-conscious for a second. 

"You are so fucking handsome, Whizzer Brown. Never be ashamed of your body, and never feel like you need to hide your body from me. Now, get on the counter."

At this point, I knew what was coming. I kissed him twice and got up on the table. To make it even more enjoyable, I laid back on the counter with my feet on the counter, naturally spreading my legs apart. This was it. This was what I had been waiting for since our first kiss. 


All of a sudden, I feel him thrust inside of me without any warning. I practically shot up, wrapping my arms around his neck and breathing shakily next to his ear. Marvin took my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm okay."

"Okay. Don't stop looking in my eyes, baby."

"Yes, sir."

I put my right hand on the counter to steady myself, my left hand on his neck, and wrapped my legs around Marvin's waist. As he got into the rhythm, he began to quicken his pace. And with that, my breathing began to quicken. Marvin started sucking my neck, making me moan. He hit my G-spot, making me whine. Marvin hit it again a few thrusts later and with that, I knew it was only a matter of time.

"I'm almost there Mar, Marv."

"Me too, darling. Me too. Come on, show me how much you are enjoying this."

I practically smashed my lips onto his, kissing him fiercely. I came a few thrusts later with Marvin's name on my lips. He came soon after too, repeatedly muttering my name. 

We stayed together for what seemed like an eternity until our breathing returned to a normal pace. 

"Can I carry you to bed?"

"Aren't I taller than you?"

"Only by a few inches. Besides, I am much stronger than I look."

I nodded, and hooked my arms around Marvin's neck. He scooped my up in his arms, softly laid his lips on mine and carried me into my bedroom. He laid me down, covered me up, then crawled in beside me, pulling me close. I fell asleep that night nuzzled into Marvin's chest while he ran his hand gently through my hair until I was sound asleep. 

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