Chapter 17: Take me back to the day we met.

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April 7th, 1979

(Marvin's POV)

Whizzer fell asleep on my lap last night. He'd had such a rough day, I didn't have the heart to wake him up. So I slid out from underneath him and laid down behind him, pulling him close to my chest. And that's how I fell asleep.

When I woke up this morning, I was the only one lying on the couch. I was freaked out for a second, worrying that something else had happened to Whizzer, but then he came over in his robe with two cups of tea. 

"Good morning, boyfriend," Whizzer said.

"Good morning, my love. This is a surprise. Usually I'm the one who is bringing you tea."

Whizzer handed me a cup. "You deserve a break. After everything that happened yesterday."

I took the cup from him and pulled him onto the couch next to me. "Thank you for taking care of me yesterday. Most men I've met would've assumed that I asked for him to ambush me, called me a cheater, and then walked out without even listening to what actually happened. But you didn't."

"That's because I'm not like them. I care about you and what happens to you. I also trust you on a level that I've never trusted anyone on. Not even Trina. I'm not going to leave you. I love you too much."

Whizzer curled up on to the couch and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you. You are the person I want to be with 24/7."

I kissed him back on the temple. "Me too. What time is it?"

"Around 8 o'clock."

"Are you feeling up for work today?"

"Surprisingly, yes. I want to go. I'll be okay, Michael was taken to prison."

"You are so strong."

"I try to be. I'm not very hungry today, so I'm not going to eat breakfast. But I do want to tell you something."


"Well, do you remember how you told me that you had always wanted to work on Wall Street, but then you became a dad and couldn't?"

I was super confused. Whizzer worked in fashion, not money. Where was he going with this? "Mmhmm..."

"Well, yesterday, I walked out to get some files at the front desk during my lunch break and Wall Street investor Flores Swift walked in to pick up a pair of cufflinks. He complimented me on my suit and we ended up getting into a conversation. It turns out he's gay just like you and me. We talked about his partner, and he asked me about you and what you do. I told him that you were a broker for a bank, and he said that he was in immediate need of a new stock trader to work for his group, The TBD Group. I told him that you have always wanted to work on Wall Street and he asked for you to come in for an interview today."

I couldn't believe it. I thought my dream was over the minute Trina showed me her pregnancy test. 

"Are you being serious?"

"Why would I lie to you? Marvin, you have a chance to make your dream come true!"

I took Whizzer's cup and my cup, set them down on the floor, and pulled Whizzer into a hug.

"Oh my God! This is crazy! Thank you!"

Whizzer hugged me back. "I knew that it would make you happy. I want you to be happy in life."

I gave Whizzer a kiss. "I was happy the minute I laid eyes on you. What time is the interview?

"11. I need to go get ready for work. You coming?"

"I'm right behind you."

"Also, thank you for that lotion. My bruise is fading and the mark on my face is completely gone."

"No problem."

I fixed the blanket, hanging it back over the couch, got up, went to go get ready. I struggled to pick out clothes, so my fashion-loving lover helped me. We fit in the same shirts and blazers, so Whizzer gave me one of his grey button-down long-sleeve shirts, a blue blazer (the same one I'd spilt coffee on the first day we met) and I a pair of black suit pants. By the time we'd finished, I looked pretty damn good. I think even Whizzer was impressed. 

"Do you realize that the blazer you just gave me is the same one you were wearing the day we met?"

Whizzer came over in his clothes (a black blazer, black long sleeve shirt and black pants) and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Take me back to the day we met."

"Well, I was walking down the sidewalk one day when I ran into someone, knocking coffee all over the blaze they were wearing. And when I looked up to see who I'd ran into, I saw a handsome man standing in front of me. A handsome man with a wonderful taste in clothing. And I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to take him on a date. And he let me take him home. Since then, I have never been happier, because he makes me laugh, has been there for me when I had to make a choice that changed my life, and loves me."

Whizzer looked like he was going to cry. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. His lips were warm and soft, and his kisses were the perfect balance of passion and love. When we finally broke apart, Whizzer wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a hug. "Do you mean all of that?"

"I do. Every word."

"I need to go to work or else I will start crying. Have a good day, good luck at your interview, and I will see you when you when I get home."

I gave him one last kiss. "Thanks! I'll see you soon."

Whizzer put on his shoes, grabbed his things and key, blew me a kiss and walked out the door. As I stood alone in the apartment, my mind went immediately to the interview that I would soon have. This was my chance to make the other part of my dream come true. One part had already come true. I had found someone that I love. As I got ready to leave the apartment, I noticed one of Whizzer's rings sitting on the table. And that got me thinking about my future with Whizzer.

A/N: Ooh! Cliffhanger! I hope you're enjoying my fanfic! I'm having such fun writing it and I am excited to write what happens next! Until then,

Happy reading,

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