Four Years

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"Bakugo, why don't you stay and have a drink or two? We're just about to celebrate passing finals!" Kaminari shouts with a bottle of cheap beer in his hands, laughing as he wraps an arm around Midoriya who looks very uncomfortable.

"Nah, I have to go check up on some things at home. Oi Deku, she's misses you so come whenever, alright?" Bakugo shouts, grabs his jacket. "Or just give me your gift. Because I'm not sure how long I'll stay this time."

"Why don't you just bring her here for the day, Kacchan? She'd be so thrilled to meet everyone." Midoriya smiles brightly as Bakugo raises an eyebrow. "Think about it. She would want to meet her future heroes! Plus, her quirk should be coming in soon right? You should take her to see before you come over!"

"Who are you guys talking about?" Mina questions, obliviously smiling in their faces as they share a look; deciding on ignoring the slightly intoxicated woman.

"I'll see if the old hag already set up an appointment. But don't wait up on my decision anyway. Your mother called me this morning." Bakugo sighs, rolling his eyes. "They're finally taking her to fucking trial."

"Are you even prepared for that, Kacchan? It's been 4, almost 5 years. Didn't they stall it last time because she was deemed 'mentally incompetent'?" Midoriya raises an eyebrow as the blonde shrugs. "What if they let her go on parole and tell her to go to therapy or check her into a mental ward? She has the chance to escape and how do we know she won't come after you?"

"Because I'm training to be a hero. I have the means to stop her if it ever comes down to that. The court date is set for a month after Chi's birthday." Bakugo opens the dorm's door, doing a two finger salute. "Don't bother showing up though, Deku. Later losers!"


"Daddy! Nana said that my quirk s-should be coming in soon! What if I don't have a quirk?" Michiko tilts her head to the side as Bakugo pets her head, lifting her up into his arms as he smiles gently at her.

"You don't need a quirk to be special, Michi. You're already a special little lady with the power to whine until you get what you want, you spoiled little brat!" He tickles her, causing her to laugh as he jokes with her. "You're perfect as you are."

"What do you think my quirk will be, Daddy?" She questions, placing a finger on her chin in thought. "I want to float like Uravity or swing around like Cellophane!" She smiles excitedly, jumping around in excitement. "Or maybe climb things like Froppy or, or shoot electricity like Chargebolt!"

"It'll probably be closer to Chargebolt's quirk if anything, dear. So, Kat... when the hell were you going to tell me you were here? I set her appointment up for today at 3 and you're literally an hour late." Mitsuki rolls her eyes. "The doctor said that she will develop a quirk, they just have no idea what it would be. It might be a mutation if anything."

"A mutation? Do they know how dangerous?" Katsuki questions, pressing a kiss to his daughter's head as she lays on his shoulder. "If it's anything like Eri's, we'd need to prepare."

"Which is why I contacted UA and let them know that she will need to be under advisement of Aizawa. He was the one that watched over that girl, correct? Then he's more than worthy of watching Michiko." She shrugs, watching her son think it over. "Plus, she'd be closer to you and I know how much you worry about her."

"Yeah, but what about the villain attacks? How will I be able to focus on those if she's in the line of fire?"

"That's why Aizawa and the other staff is there. They'll protect her like they've been protecting you. Now how about you get settled in and we'll talk this over some more in the morning. Your father will be back later and I made dinner with Michi's help."


"A mutation... and she's going to live with us?! Where will she sleep?"

"The empty dorm next to me. They've considered merging the two, but I told them that it's fine if she just takes the room and makes it her own. I'm not letting her sleep on the girls' side of the dorm room. Last thing I need is Pinky or Earphones corrupting my kid." Bakugo rolls his eyes as he speaks into his phone. "We're packing her things up at the moment. We'll be back later today. They said the sooner the better."

"Alright... I'll check out the room and baby proof it, I guess."

"Yeah and don't tell the other fucking losers yet. I don't need my phone to blow up with goddamn questions."

"Alright Kacchan. See you later. I guess." Izuku sighs, hanging up the phone before a knock on his door fills up the silence, earning a surprised squeak from him. Opening the door, he's met with his girlfriend who looks at him in confusion. "Oh! Ochaco, what's up?"

"Who were you talking to? I heard something about a baby..." She smiles brightly as he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a relative talking about a baby or something. Was there something you needed?" He questions as her face flushes red. She begins to play with her fingers as the greenette stares at her innocently.

"U-Um... I w-was just wondering... I mean I know we've been d-dating for about 4 years now, and I was wondering... when we were going t-to... you know..." She squirms as he tilts his head in confusion.

"I know what? What is it, Ochaco? You can ask me anything." He smiles brightly at her as she squeaks. "Babe?"

"Sex!" She shouts out as his face blooms red in shock and embarrassment. "Oh I knew this was a bad idea! I shouldn't have asked! You can just forget it!"

"No, no! I-I'm just surprised. I never expected you to ask something like that." He chuckles, fanning his face lightly. "Um, well I've thought about it. I just wasn't sure if you'd want to, I guess... W-we could have a date sometime next week and see where it goes from there?"

His suggestions causes a smile to break out on the brunette's face as she leans in to peck him on the lips; his knees going weak as she chuckles.

"Ok! I'll talk to you later then, Deku!"

"I-ok!" He sighs, leaning against the door lovestruck, before shaking his head and slapping his cheeks. "Oh right! The room!"


Michiko BakugoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang