Chapter 2

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Harry was an interesting character, and had quite the reputation in school in terms of his temper. He's also known for having his way with most girls at school. It was easy to be drawn in by his deep green eyes, neat and dark curly hair, tall frame, coarse voice, must I go on. . .

He's attractive, I can't deny it, but I could never picture him being my type considering how he treats girls. Some girls have learned the hard way while others are still head over heels for him.

Harry is in my first period class. Although, the girl in the bathroom said he's back, I doubt he'll show. He hardly ever shows up, and when he does, people usually gave him his space—me included. It's hard to read him. When he isn't being an annoying flirt, he can come off as intimidating.

The late bell sounding throughout the halls pulls me from my thoughts.

"Great," I mumble under my breath. I was only seconds away from my class, but knowing my English teacher, late meant late. Entering the class, I keep my head down, not trying to draw any attention to myself.

"Miss brown!" Ms.Spencer, calls from her desk, stopping me in my tracks. All attention is now on me and I felt the urge to rush to my seat.

"You're late, why?" She turns her attention from her computer screen to me, folding her arms on her desk.
"Sorry, I stopped by the bathroom on the way," I say.

"Next time, if you're going to make a stop, let's be more mindful of our time, yes? You can always come to class first for your attendance and ask to go back out. Put your stuff down and go get a pass from the main office. Then you can get excused," she says. Even though I was literally seconds away, I don't bother arguing. There's no point doing so with this teacher.

I make my way to my seat and put my stuff down, thankful that most of the class already turned their attention back to whatever they were doing before.


What a good way to start a Friday, I think to myself as I make my way to the main office. I can only hope that the rest of the day won't be such a drag.

When I finally make it to the office, I tell the lady at the front desk my full name and reason why I'm late. She quickly writes me up a pass, handing me the green slip after. Two girls enter the office and get in line behind me. From their faces and body language, I can only assume they told to get a pass after barley being late as well.

"Next," the lady sitting behind the office desk says. I make my way to the exit. I pull out my phone to check the time as I open the door to leave.

When doing so, I manage to bump into someone while walking out. The person takes of my arm before I can stumble out of balance and I clench my phone so it doesn't fall out of my grasp. The person takes hold of the door with their other hand before it closes all the way. The person let's go of my arm and I adjust myself, while looking down.

"Sorry, thanks," I look up to see Harry standing in front of me. Great. I probably just made a fool out of myself.

"Katherine," he says. It almost seems as if he's hold back a smile but I can't tell for sure.

"Harry..." I say, not really sure how to respond. "How was your two-week vacation?" I sarcastically ask.

"You counted, babe?" He smiles. His dimples appear.

I look behind him at the clock on the hallway wall.  If I don't leave now, Ms.Spencer might feel a little bold and tell me to get another pass for all I know.

"You were probably wishing that they'd suspend me for a while longer, yeah?" Harry says when I don't respond. When I look at him, his eyes are focused behind me. I assume he's looking at one of the girls in the office due to how long he held his stare.

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