Chapter 1

166 10 17

E created E's ultimate chatgroup

E has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Lia has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

E has updated her status-  Hello Lia!!!!!!


Lia: hey

E: wassup?

Lia: da sky

E: so true...

Lia: now shouldnt we bring in the others?

E: Yea

Ash has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Misty has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Brock has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Gary has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

May has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Max has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Drew has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Dawn has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Paul has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Iris has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Cilan has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Clemont has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Bonnie has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Serena has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Mallow has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Lana has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Lillie has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Kiawe has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Gladion has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Red has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Yellow has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Blue has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Green has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Crystal has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Gold has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Silver has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Lyra has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

 Hilbert has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Hilda has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

N has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Cheren has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Bianca has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Nate has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Rosa has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Hugh has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Hau has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Sun has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

Moon has joined E's ultimate chatgroup

E has updated her status-  Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!


Misty: Hi

Ash: HeLo

Misty: Learn how to spell

Ash: why?

Misty: 'cuz you couldn't even spell "Hello" correctly

May: learn

Ash: #Goals

Misty: Wtf?

Lia has tagged E in her status-  is there a way to turn off the notifications so that it doesn't ring at you whenever someone joins the group?


E: ill turn it off

Lia: k, thx

E: no prob

Ash has updated his status-  Dose anyone have fod?


Misty: first off learn how to spell and second no

Gary: yeah really Ashy-Boy .L.E.A.R.N.

Ash: so no food?

Gary: no...

May has tagged Drew in her status-  Can you buy me some food?


Drew: No -_-

May: Come on, plz???

Drew: no

May: PLZ????!!!!

Drew: What does "no" mean to you???

May: Ummmmmmm well it's opposite day!

Drew: nice try but still no

May: Dang

E has updated her status-  Have you ever been so mad at yourself that you want to slap yourself?


Misty: ...

Brock: ...

May: ...

Dawn: ...

Gary: ...

Green: I didn't know Red had siblings

Lia: oof

~ Green, Silver, Gary, and 10 others liked this comment ~

E: so no?

>>>So that is all. I hope you all enjoyed!!!!! Thank you for reading!!!!!! Bye!!!!!<<<

- E out

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