Joining! This is the form btw.

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Fill in all questions that involves this chapter, for it is the form to let you into the community. If you do not answer or do all of these things then you're not a part of the community. It shouldn't take that long though, since it's only a few questions.

What is your username? ( I am @Iloveanime123432)

What is your code name? ( You can not have the same code name as someone else, sorry. Mine is Crimson Red Butterfly btw. )

What is the password to talk to you? ( You can't have the same password as someone else. Leader's: Dark humor is just like food... Not everyone has it.. )

(Optional) Tag someone you want / think would like to join the cult/ zone/ group thing-


How old are you? ( Private message me this so I know, this will make it easier for me to know what you will be doing and aware of how mature you'd like the people to be around you---depending on how you are ofc )

What do you enjoy doing most?

Do you have any other accounts? If so, @ them so I aware it is you. ( I will be moving soon and since I use my school acc. I won't be using this account for as long as I know and I'll probably be making another acc. I'll be called, @CrimsonRedButterfly once I make that acc. If someone else has that username, I'll just say on my mb that it's me. :<   )

How you fill in this form is go to the comments and answer these questions, that's all.

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