Part 1

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Kokichi was walking around heaven (I idk lol) as he was walking around, a Navy blue haired demon grabbed kokichi covering his mouth and holding on tightly so he couldn't escape or scream. The purple haired male tried to escape the taller male and made muffled screams. The taller male demon flew away to his kingdom and tied kokichi up then stopped covering his mouth

Kokichi POV
I glared at the Navy blue hair demon as I tried to get untie and moved my wings making the taller male tie then up with chains "HEY! let me go you demon! " I yell at him but he ignored me. After a bit the demon left the room leaving me alone "...... "

Shuichi's POV
After I tied up the purple haired angel I went to tell kaito that I got the person he wanted for some reason "hey kaito" I said as I saw him "oh, hey yeah I changed my mind, I don't want the purple haired kid" "oh, so you wasted my fvcking time, how great" I said and went back to my house. when I opened the door the purple haired angel had already untied himself just now, I quickly grabbed my knife and stabbed one of his wings so he wouldn't get away he welpped in pain and still tired to run but it was to late, I already grabbed him by the wrist and threw him on a chair quickly tieing him up, -though he is very cute I should try being friends with him, hmm do angels like sweets- i thought as I went over to my stash of sweets and got out a grape lollipop and gave it to the angel boy. he was staring at it for a bit so I spoke up "here take it, and be my friend" he looked up and me then said the smaller boy said"wait- you kidnapped me, stabbed my wing and want me to be your friend? "  I nodded happily

Kokichi's POV
-what is wrong with him, ugh I guess since I am an angel u should forgive him.... - I thought then spoke in a calm tone "yeah sure" he hugged me tightly like a I was a child or something

 demon shuichi x  angel kokichi (completed)Where stories live. Discover now