Here - Deku x lonley reader

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Angst/comfort fluff
TW: lonliness, slight illusions to suicidal thoughts
Ngl. This was pretty self indulgent. I reflect myself a lot onto Deku, he's a big comfort character for me. I hope this can maybe bring some comfort to those dealing with similar situations :)
Its pretty short btw


"I feel so alone..." Y/n mumbled to no one but themself. They sat alone on the floor, arms wrapped around their knees and tear stains on their cheeks and sweatshirt.
School was starting soon, but they didn't care. They'd probably skip today anyway. It's not as if they could make it through the day without several breakdowns, why bother?
Just as they began to spiral yet again, their phone buzzed from its spot discarded on their bed, the screen lighting up the room darkened by the closed blackout curtain.
Distracted by the abrupt noise and light, they crawled over to the side of their bed and checked the notification: a text message.

Good morning!

The phone dinged a second time, another message loading onto the screen.

Hope you have a great day at school today! Talk to you this afternoon!

Y/n smiled. Deku was such a trustworthy and well-meaning person. He was the one person they really felt they could refer to as a friend.
Things had been rough for Y/n. They failed the entrance exam for U.A. and ended up in a generic, non-hero-oriented school for boring nobodies like themself.
They sighed, reading the messages over again. At least they had Deku, a sweet boy they met at the entrance exam. After seeing how badly his quirk damged his body in the last few minutes of the test, they ran to his aid, propping him up until recovery girl could arrive.
He was it. He was the only friend they had anything in common with. Sure, they had "friends" at school, but they never really cared the way Izuku did, the way a friend should. Izuku was there when Y/n needed, and Y/n was more than happy to reciprocate if the freckled boy needed their support as well.
Their other "friends" didn't do that.
They laughed when Y/n needed help.
They made jokes when Y/n expressed discomfort or opened up about triggers.
They teased Y/n for their interests and passions, especially their obsession with heroes yet failure to become one.

But Izuku, he didn't do any of that.
He loved talking to Y/n about heroes, and he was more than happy to accommodate any of their triggers. He encouraged them in their plan B for life, and even tried to help them continue their path on becoming a hero, although U.A.'s denial damaged their pride too much for them to take his advice in that field.
Regardless, Izuku was like their sun. He was there to shine light when they needed him and would drop almost anything to make sure they were okay.

So when they weren't okay, he was there.
When they believed they were nothing but a waste of space, he was there.
When they told themself he only pitied them and didn't really want to be their friend, he was there.
When they thought they didn't deserve kindness and affection, and that was why no one else was their friend, he was there.
Throughout everything, he was someone Y/n could count on.

When Y/n didn't respond that morning, he grew nervous. Something was eating away in the back of his mind, telling him he needed to go check on them.
The minute the bell rang at the end of the school day, he was out the door.
Using his quirk at the lowest percent he could to increase his speed just slightly without being noticeable, he was at their front door in no time.
He sent a quick text, just to be safe.

Are you home? I wanted to stop by.

Without responding, Y/n opened the door a moment later, a fluffy blanket on their shoulders and bags under their puffy, red eyes.

"Y/n..." the shrimp whispered, opening his arms for a hug.
The sad, sleep-deprived mess gladly accepted and nuzzled into his warmth, sniffling here and there.
He lead them inside, plopping down on the couch and allowing the ball of sadness to snuggle into his side for comfort.
He rubbed their back, pet their hair, whispered encouraging words into their ear, and tried his best to not let them see he was on the verge of tears too.
"It'll be okay, Y/n, I promise.
No matter what, I'll be here."

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