ideas because ugh

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so,, i don't mind if you use these honestly, just tag me 'cause i wanna see it.

1- sbi change body. i was thinking:

tommy -> techno
phil -> wil
wil-> tommy
techno-> phil

2- tommy has voices??????

WORKING ON IT 3- tubbo turns into a frokin bee

WORKING ON IT 4- nether child tommy au, sbi go to the nether and p+w are getting like beat up while tommy and techno are in the back talking to piglins lmao

DONE 5-remaking god au? i have ideas but i'm severly lacking motivation

DONE 6-tommy is enderman? ranboo helps?

6 1/2- tommy is enderman? tommy water angst??

7-witch sbi?!??!?! (not original? saw witchbur somewhere)

8- tommy turns into a dog and fundy calls him a furry? thought on the spot, i feel like that would be funny

DONE 9- i was looking at my floor for ideas, and i saw my charger

tommy has electricity powers, accidentally zaps some1 lol

10-shapeshifter techno au,, techno suddenly can't shapeshift and worries what sbi will think? (i already attempted this, didn't work so i'll put it here)

11- phil turns into a bird, will turns into a fox (fundy???) techno turns into a pig and tommy turns into a moth or somethin? ranboo goes there and finds a note saying they're animals pretty much and the dre smp look after them

12- scp au? tommy tubbo are scps, tommy is like a plant thing and he infects tubbo with scp juice and tubbo turns into a flower thing and there are bees, and phil + wil + techno come in and they hangout 


WORKING ON IT 13-karen calls tommy a freak cause he's a demon?? then hands are thrown

14-techno gets extremely scared or something- like tommy surprises him and he turns into a pig (LMAO)

15- tommy can control the weather and he makes wilbur's life hell or pranks him or something lol

ill prolly do some of these, just wait ughh

jkjk luv you all! platonically, no homo :))

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