The first meeting

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New Zealand, Philippines and Indonesia, after a long while of trying to convince Malaysia to go to Malaysia's homeland for a week, they succeeded. Before they knew it, they were falling from the sky by Malaysia's portal.

As he was falling, New Zealand looked around at the surroundings, already interested in finally visiting this new place. He was really excited to meet Malaysia's states. Malaysia rarely talked about them, but he had high hopes.

"Owh!" Indo screamed in pure pain as Philippines landed on top of him. Indo tried to push Phil off of him but was unsuccessful.

"Stop pushing me," Phil complained.

"Oh my! Are you okay?" said a boy who managed to freak them out.

New Zealand, who had landed upright, got a look at the boy. The boy with the black and white flag stood calmly and seemed quite polite.

"Hello, who are you?" New Zealand asked.

The boy giggled a little and said, "I'm Pahang! And this is Johor!"

Pahang pointed behind New Zealand.

New Zealand turned his head to see another boy behind him which gave him a little bit of shock.

"Oh, hi Pahang and Johor, I'm New Zealand," New Zealand greeted, rubbing his neck awkwardly. New Zealand looked down at Indonesia and Philippines, who were still on the ground. New Zealand helped the both of them up.

"We already know, silly!" Pahang said in a snappy tone, which made New Zealand slightly offended.

"Let's go meet with the others," Johor suggested.

"Oh, uh, okay." New Zealand nodded, following after the two of them. Although feeling a little offended, he was kind of glad that others actually knew of him. Philippines and Indonesia smiled and nodded as they followed along too.

Pahang and Johor lead them to three of Malaysia's female states.

"Oh you guys are finally here! I'm Perlis!!" The shortest one said, excited to see them.

"I'm Malacca!" Another said.

"I'm Negeri sembilan! But please call me Rilan," The last one said, politely smiling.

''Hey brothers and sisters!" A girl called.

New Zealand was trying to memorize the names to the faces. As he heard the final voice, he turned his head to see a girl in a colourful flower crown.

"Ooo! New Zealand, Indonesia and Philippines are here!" The flower crown girl said. "I'm Terengganu!" She said.

"I'm Kelantan" a boy said behind Johor.

"So many names," New Zealand said under his breath. New Zealand composed himself and smiled greeting everyone politely.

"Pia, we should go to your house," Rilan suggested.

"Why!" Pahang said, sounding annoyed.

"Yours's is the nearest! Besides look at them! They look so tired!" Rilan reasoned.

"ugh fine... follow me," Pahang said.

Looking at siblings arguing, it reminded New Zealand a lot of him and his brothers. New Zealand let out a small laugh and followed Pahang happily while Indo and Phil walked behind.

When they arrived, Philippines was amazed at Pahang's house.

"Wow! Your house is so pretty Pahang," Philippines complemented with stars in her eyes. They all went inside and sat on the couch. As New Zealand sat down, he smelt his favourite food, pavlova! He looked into the kitchen and saw Pahang there.

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