Post-Nut Clarity

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heyheyhey not much 2 say about this chapter, it's way shorter than the last one but i'm posting loads atm so i'll probably update again tomorrow. see yaz loves xxxx

What the fuck was I doing.
I think I was experiencing post-nut clarity.
I whipped the covers off my body and quickly shimmied my dress back on and grabbed as many of my belongings off Katya's floor that I could see. I rushed out of her room before she could wake up with my heels and handbag tucked under my arm. I scurried down her stairs and out the front door, avoiding bumping into her parents.
I walked a couple houses down before I called an uber, shit it was 4pm. How could we have slept that long?

When I finally sat down in the backseat of the uber everything suddenly hit me. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed, the driver could probably hear me but I didn't care, everything was fucked.
I tried so hard to resist her. No matter how hard I tried all I that occupied my thoughts recently, was her. I was filled with shame about what happened and guilt for leaving without an explanation. Being around Katya was intoxicating, I'd never felt how I feel about her with anyone else before, I hated myself for it.

I couldn't risk anyone finding out, sure she would get praise for it but that was because Katya was untouchable. Everyone at the school knew her name and either wanted to be her or be in her. A few assholes would occasionally try it with a homophobic insult. But her tongue was sharp and most people knew not to fuck with her.  But I was an easy target. I was The 'quiet girl' and had little to no friends to defend me. If the guys at school found out, it would be fucking miserable.

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