Under The Bleachers

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A decent sized chapter this time!
Btw my only knowledge of american high school is through movies/shows so i'm sorry if the bleachers thing is terribly stereotypical!! i'm not frm the US so i'm trying my best with the little references.

Every day after that for the rest of the week was more painful than the last. I went back to my old routine, forgetting how lonely it really was. I occasionally saw Katya in the hallways, which made me miss her more because she seemed so careless and confident.
I spent every waking moment battling myself internally, wondering when i went wrong and how I could make it right, I had promised her things and then the next day bailed on her. I don't know how I would be able to regain her trust.  More than once I found myself sitting in my room after school with my thumb hovering over the button to call Katya, but never did, i knew she didn't want to hear from me.

When Monday came around again I couldn't take it anymore. I missed Katya, and hated that she hated me.
Shaking with nerves, I walked out of second period with a somewhat constructed plan in my head and headed towards the football field, knowing Katya liked to smoke under the bleachers between class sometimes.
As I got closer to the bleachers I recognised Katyas smoke snaking upwards, another person standing next to her. I stopped before I came into view, evaluating the situation. From where I was standing I realised the person was Evan, I remembered seeing the two hooking up at school a handful of times when the only thing I knew about Katya was that she was a 'whore'. Evan didn't have a great reputation either.
Jeez, she moved on quickly. I could feel anger and jealousy build up inside me but I refused to give in to it, if I was going to talk to her it would be now. Besides, I had to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Katya" My voice was barely a squeak, Katya and Evan were laughing about something and hadn't noticed me standing there, she was smiling that beautiful white smile and I felt a pang of hurt.
"Uh, hey Katya?"
This time both of them heard me, Katya spun around and her smile immediately dropped. I felt Evans eyes look me up and down and I pulled my jacket tightly over my chest.
"Can we talk?" I asked with my eyes glued to my shoes.
Evan moved uncomfortably closer to me and licked his lips, "Aren't you that dyke that won't give it up? I could straighten you out if you gave me the chance, it worked on Kat-"
Katya stomped on his foot with her doc martin, Evan cursed in pain and stumbled back. "I was joking you crazy bitch!"
I could see her eyes blazing with anger as she grabbed my hand and rushed me back inside the building. (As someone who probably smoked a couple packs a day, the speed she was walking was shocking.)

Neither of us said anything until we reached an empty classroom.
I stood awkwardly by the door as Katya Sat on one of the desks.
"Why were you hanging out with that jerk?"
Katya avoided my eye contact and replied with a biting tone "Is that why you wanted to talk? just so you could ridicule my friends?"
I felt my eyes prickle in frustration, "Friend? so what, you have sex with you friends, is that all we'll ever be?"
Katya looked taken aback, my voice came out louder than I intended.
"YOU stopped talking to ME Trixie. He was nothing and clearly you thought the same about me." She stood up and looked at me expectantly.
"You know that isn't true, I'm sorry for everything I said." I said desperately trying to deescalate the argument.
"It's not true? then why did you say all that shit Trix? We barely got the chance to know each other before you checked out."
Tears threatened to escape my eyes, time to come clean before Katya left.

"I um, I got doxed last time someone found out about me." I stared at my feet and felt her gaze on me,  "Middle school. I guess these group of kids had republican parents or some shit cos they really hated gay people. I got brutally bullied, sounds silly now. Fucking twelve year olds." I laughed despite myself. "It's just scary."
I'd never had close friends and after being tormented for years I didn't allow myself to trust people.
"Oh trix.." She wrapped her arms around me and I melted into her embrace,
"I'm so sorry for being such an asshole, I know it's not fair to keep letting you down. I like you. And at the very least I can't lose you as a friend." I whimpered.
"Stop apologising."
I looked up at her with hopeful eyes.
"I understand, and I promise I won't let that happen to you. Hey, I get with chicks all the time and no ones done anything serious to me."
I giggled into her chest, "You talking about all the girls you fuck isn't helping"
"My point IS, I wouldn't let anyone touch you кукла" she said reassuringly,
"Doll. you're my barbie doll."
I smiled, she managed to so effortlessly lift the mood. "When you mentioned that you picked up russian-"
"I was fucking with you Trix."
Katya pulled away from our hug and started laughing, "I am russian, babe. I didn't just pick it up, it's my first language. Full name; Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova."
I gawked at her, "You're kidding. I really never put that together."
Katya grinned, and I kinda melted at how pretty her smile was. "We good now barbie? you're not gonna flake on me again are you." 
"Yes, we're good Kat, can we just take it slower and be discreet around school?"
Katya just laughed and grabbed me by the waist, "Can I do... this at school?" she pulled me closer to her body, mine heating up at the contact.
"Or this?" she pecked my nose, I blushed.
"Orrr this?" pulling me even closer she peppered my face in kisses, giggling, I could feel my face get redder.
"What about this?" suddenly her hands were sliding up my thighs and under my skirt. Katya squeezed my ass and I yelped, pushing her away playfully, embarrassed at how easily she could work me up. I pressed my legs together, hoping the movement was subtle. "God Kat you're so vulgar. And no to all of that!"
She swung her bag over her shoulder with a smirk, "Oh you know you love it. Walk with me? we're going in the same direction."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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