Chapter 2: Just gamers gaming.

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Tommy and Tubbo were the first to walk into the Arcade. They immediately ran inside and had a look at the arcade games. Wilbur and Ranboo walked in soon after. Tommy grabbed tubbo to do one of the shooting games with him, shouting "MMMMMM! LETS KILL SOME BITCHESSS!" Wilbur heard Tommy and immediately felt embarrassed. He turned to Ranboo, but Ranboo already went to a claw machine with enderman plushies in it shouting

"I'm gonna get you all outta there buddies! IM GONNA GET YOU ALL OUT OF THERE! IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY I SPEND, ILL GET YOU ALL OUT!" Wilbur rolled his eyes and walked over to a random machine that gives tickets. He managed to walk over to a deal or no deal machine (I mean it fits cuz he's old) and started playing it.

Meanwhile, Tommy and Tubbo were racking up points in the game. Tommy nearly died 3 times, but has managed to get to stage 16 pretty easily. According to the machine, stage 16 would give them at least 200 tickets.

Ranboo was still wasting money on the claw machine, yet through the pain, anger and agony, he managed to get one out. He looked at the money left in his pocket and saluted at the claw machine. "I'M SO SORRY COMRADES, BUT I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO SAVE YOU ALL! LET'S HOPE THAT SOMEONE ELSE MANAGES TO GET YOU ALL OUT!" he laid against the glass and shed a tear one last time before leaving slowly with the one enderman plushie he managed to save. He looked over to where Tommy and Tubbo were playing the shooting game and watched. Tommy finally died, and if Tubbo passes this one stage, Tommy would be revived, but itwas getting intense. The boss at the end ofthe stage was really difficult and it was no where near death. Tubbo was on one last life... then he died. Stage 20. 

"NOOOOO! DAMN IT!" Tubbo shouted as he got up. He then turned around and saw the tall memory boy behind him and screamed. "AH! Oh it's you Ranboo!" Tubbo smiled he then looked at the enderman plush in his hands. "Did you manage to save one! Its so cute! What's his name?" Ranboo looked at the plush then back at Tubbo 

"His name is Jared. Him and his friends have been trapped in the claw machine over there. I tried to save them but-" 

"LETS FUCKING SAVE THOSE BITCHES" Tommy shouted as he ran over to the enderman plush claw machine, Tubbo following after him. Ranboo sighed as he followed them over to the claw machine.

Tommy put some money into the claw machine and attempted to save one if the enderman plushies. "A LITTLE LEFT! GRAB ITS HEAD!" Tubbo shouted to help Tommy. Yet after 20 tries, he still wasn't able save one.

"Yo this shit rigged bruv." Tommy says angrily. "Luckily I know another way!" Tommy tries doing some shady stuff, putting his hand up the drop zone and using coins to try and unlock the claw machine. Once nothing worked he sighed and slammed the buttons and kicked the machine. Suddenly... he heard a spark coming from the machine. 

"TOMMY RUN! TOMMY GO!" Ranboo shouted as he ran away from the machine. Tommy ran when suddenly the claw machine set on fire.

"TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Wilbur ran over to them and saw the fire. "Oh my fucking god- TOMMY WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" 

Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and Ranboo's normal trip to an arcade.Where stories live. Discover now