Chapter 4: Uh-oh there is a lot of fire

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Wilbur was furious and scared to death. He looked at Tommy and Tubbo causing chaos and just felt hopeless. There was nothing he could do to stop the children. He turned to Ranboo "Get out of here! It's unsafe here!" Wilbur shouted. 

"But... I'm just in shock... All the endermen... ARE DEAD!" Ranboo said sobbing. "I CAN'T JUST LEAVE WITHOUT PAYING MY RESPECTS AND SHARING MY REGRET! I COULD'VE SAVED THEM! BUT I DIDN'T!" Wilbur looked at Ranboo sadly and nodded

"Alright. But we have to find a way to stop them." Suddenly Wilbur gets a phone call from Philza. 

"Umm... Just saw the arcade fire on the news. Are you guys okay?" Philza said worryingly. 

"Not really, Ranboo is in mental shock while Tommy and Tubbo are being dangerous. We need to stop them!" Wilbur replied back.

"Well... If it's really that bad I'll come over. I'll be there in a bit." Philza said. "Make sure to keep an eye on Tommy and Tubbo for me. Make sure they don't rob anything." 

"Alright! Thank you dad!" Wilbur then hung up and looked over to where Tommy and Tubbo was. They were gone. He panicked and turned to Ranboo again. "Stay there! Wait for Philza. He's gonna be here soon. I'm going after them." Ranboo nodded as Wilbur ran towards the fire.

There was smoke everywhere, he covered his mouth as he walked towards the ticket exchange. He saw Tommy and Tubbo robbing the exchange and immediately grabbed their hands. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! YOU KNOW NOW THAT I CAUGHT YOU BOTH UR GONNA BE GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED"

"NOOOO" Tommy and Tubbo said as they were dragged to the front. Suddenly they felt faint and the smoke made them passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and Ranboo's normal trip to an arcade.Where stories live. Discover now