Chapter 3: Chaos erupts in the arcade

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"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I DIDN'T MEAN TOO!" Tommy shouted at Wilbur

"YOU SHOULD'VE LEARNT BETTER THAN TO FUCKING KICK AND SLAM THE CLAW MACHINE!!!" Wilbur shouted back "Oh my fucking god, let's just hope the fire-" the fire spreads to another machine and grows larger. "Doesn't spread... you know what! I think we're screwed." Tommy and Tubbo nodded.

Ranboo was staring at the fire sadly as he heard the pain of the enderman plushies burning in the flames. "I WANTED TO SAVE YOU ALL... *sniff* but not like this..." Ranboo looked at Jared in the eyes. "I couldn't save them Jared, they're all burning, im so sorry..." While Ranboo was sobbing about his endermen kind being burnt alive, something sparked in Tubbo.

"Tommy, this made me think... Do you want to commit arson with me?" Tubbo asked Tommy politely and in a very serious manner.

"Yes, I will gladly accept the offer of commiting arson with you, Tubbo." Tommy replied even more politely and seriously. Wilbur let out a deep sigh as he watched his younger brother and his best friend commit crimes. He opened his phone and called his dad, Philza Minecraft, Better known as Dadza. 

"Daaaad..." Wilbur said as soon as Phil picked up. 

"What is it son? Is Tommy commiting arson again?" Philza said after a deep sigh. 

"Yes dad. And he is doing it with Tubbo. What should I tell him?" Wilbur replies back.

"Umm... I dunno? Tell him that Dad said that he will be grounded when he gets home, meaning no more minecraft for him. He'll also have no chocolate cake after dinner tonight." Philza replied. Wilbur looked at Tommy and Tubbo spreading the fire around the whole building. 

"You sure it would work? I mean last time he was grounded, Technoblade found him on hypixel skyblock, despite being told no minecraft." Wilbur said unhopeful. Philza nodded his head

"Yep! If he does go on minecraft when grounded, I'll just have to banish him to Techno's room for the rest of the grounding." Suddenly a smash was heard in Philza's background. "Oh my fuckin- Sorry Wilbur! Techno just dropped the bowl of eggs and now egg is all over the floor! He's also trying to eat the chocolate. Catch you later!" 

(I made Philza such a dad wth)

Wilbur rolled his eyes, exhaled and shouted at Tommy "TOMMYINNIT, DAD SAID THAT IF YOU DON'T STOP, HE'LL GROUND YOU, MEANING NO MORE MINECRAFT FOR A WEEK! YOU'LL ALSO HAVE NO CHOCOLATE CAKE FOR DINNED TONIGHT!" Tommyinnit looked at Wilbur and laughed

"No way! I'm not being grounded! I'm gonna commit arson and no one can stop me!" Tommy said as he set fire to the deal or no deal machine.


"Bruh you're so old, just like dad." Tommy said. Wilbur looked at him shocked and angry.


"Yeah yeah whatever." Tommy said. Suddenly the whole place was on fire and the building was collapsing, many different people were evacuating. Tubbo and Tommy were cheering happily while Ranboo was crying and screaming internally because of the endermen that died in the fire. 

F for the endermen plushies that died o7

F for the endermen plushies that died o7

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Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and Ranboo's normal trip to an arcade.Where stories live. Discover now