Fancied Up.

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Live a little. 

I kept hearing Rita's voice telling me to loosen up, to change, playing over and over again in my head. 

Maybe she's right. Maybe if I changed, I wouldn't get picked on as much.

The school day had finished, finally. Nothing interesting happened. Nothing interesting ever happens. I had my hair tied up in a messy bun, and I was sitting on my bed in my pjs, reading Romeo and Juliet some more. But then somebody called me.

The Phone Call:

You: "Hello?"

Rita: "We're going to a party."

You: "Cool, have fun."

Rita: "You're coming too."

You: "No I'm not, I'm sitting in my room reading for the rest of the night."

Rita: "Change your plans, then."

You: "But it's a school night."

Rita: "Like that matters?"

You: "I don't want to go. Everyone will be there."

Rita: "Exactly! This is your chance to change things up! Live a little, remember?"

You (Sighing): "I don't even have anything to wear.

Rita has hung up.

You: "Hello? Rita?"

*You have received a text from Rita.*

I'm on my way. Get your makeup bag out, 

and your curling iron too.

I sighed, as I put down my phone. Rita always gets her way when she's determined. I grabbed my mothers makeup bag, and waited for Rita to come.


"Oh my god, (Y/N), you look hot!" Rita says, turning me towards the mirror behind me.

I really did.

I wore a maroon color dress that fitted my body very tightly.

"Don't you think this is a bit too tight fit?" I asked

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"Don't you think this is a bit too tight fit?" I asked. 

She shook her head. "No, you look perfect."

"And you're sure I can keep this dress?" She nodded.

"Now, we'll do your makeup."

I pulled away from the handheld mirror

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I pulled away from the handheld mirror. 

"Holy shit, Rita, you're amazing at makeup! I look beautiful."

She smiled. "(Y/N), you're always beautiful. But we're not done yet, we have to do your hair."

My ginger hair was tied up in what looked like a hairstyle for a wedding

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My ginger hair was tied up in what looked like a hairstyle for a wedding.

I hugged Rita. "Thank you!"

She hugged me back. "You're welcome, now grab your handbag, and get your ass in my car!"

I grabbed my silver handbag, filled it with gum, lip gloss, and money, and hopped in Rita's black jeep, and off we sped to a very large mansion.

It was Leos.

"You didn't tell me we were going to Leo's house!?" I exclaimed frantically.

"Oh, relax (Y/N). Just because you're in the same house as him doesn't mean you have to talk to him. There will be tons of people here."

"So it's a keg party?" I sighed. "Good, I'm trying to loosen up." 

"Then let's go." Rita smiled.

We stepped out of the car, already able to hear music blasting from inside the building. Linking my arm in hers, we ventured into what would be my first High School Party.

As soon as I got in, I realized I was going to regret this. There were people everywhere. It was very hard to walk anywhere. The place smelled of beer. Every other person was making out with someone, the music was blasting, people were talking.

"Hey guys!" A voice called in front of us. It was Leo.

"Hi Leo!" Rita said with a small giggle. I glanced at her from the side.

"What?" She whined like a baby. "Leo and I have classes together, and turns out, he's a cool person."

I looked back at Leo and he gave a proud smile.

"The kegs are in the backyard, and the snacks are in the kitchen. Oh, and later, we're going to play Truth or Dare." He beamed.

"Cool, thanks. Cya!" Rita said, before bolting into the crowd.

"Rita? Where are you going?" She couldn't hear me.

Great. I'm trapped alone, with no friend with me. In Leonardo DiCaprios' house.  


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