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I woke up in an unfamiliar surrounding. 

Oh no.

I remembered everything that had happened. I sat up quickly, and looked around. Leo was sitting on the window seat with a blanket, asleep. I looked at the clock near me. 2 AM.

It was quiet, so I'm assuming everyone had left. I rolled over to the bed stand and grabbed my phone.

                                                                           4 New Messages.

From Mom:

Sweetheart, where are you? 12:32 AM.

Are you okay? 1:12 AM

(Y/N), respond to me please, honey. 1:53

I text her back as soon as I read these.

                                                                                                                      Hey mom, hung with Rita, fell                    asleep. Spending the night. Srry 2 worry you, xx.

I sighed. I hate mom getting worries.

From Rita:

Heyy, girl! I ubered home, hope ur ok?

I'm okay, glad ur safe.

I set my phone dead.

"Hey." Leo stirred.

"Hi." I said, my voice tired. I was cold all of the sudden. Leo must have noticed, because he stood up and grabbed a Harvard hoodie, handing it to me. 

"Put this on, it'll warm you up."

I smiled, taking it. "Thank you." I slipped it on over my dress.

"What's that on your arm?" He asked, pointing to me.

I turned to my neck. There was a big bruise from Christians hands. My eyes watered. I pulled down my sleeve.

"It's nothing."  

"You could sue him, you know. " He rubbed his finger over the bruise, and I winced. "Sorry."

"It doesn't matter."  I looked around. "Is this your room?"

He nodded. 

"And I just slept in your bed? I'm so sorry." 

He laughed. "It's fine, I slept on the windowsill, quite comfortably."

"I should probably head home."

He raised his eyebrows. "With what car?"

Damn it. 

"I'll walk home."

"You live halfway across town." 

Double damn it.

I plopped back down on the bed. 

"So what am I supposed to do then?"

He shrugged. "Stay the night here. I'll take the floor, you take the bed. Then in the morning, you can Uber home."

"Don't you have a car?" I questioned him.

He smiled. "I got in trouble, and got my keys taken away for a week."

Of course.

"Fine. But I'm taking the floor, you can sleep in your own bed."

He sighed. "Or, we can both take the bed."

I gasped.

"EW, no, not like that." He quickly covered. "I'll take one side, you take the other."

I nodded. "Fine."

I took the left side and he took the right.

I fell asleep pretty quickly. 


I woke up, feeling my body rise and fall. And then it hit me, I was laying on Leo's stomach.

He was awake too. Because when he could tell I was awake. He started laughing.

I jumped up. "OH MY GOD."

He rolled out of bed, laughing.


He stood up, his hair messy. "Because you looked so peaceful."

I rolled my eyes, my hands buried in my face. 

"It's not that big of a deal, (Y/N). Now come on, my butler is making us strawberry pancakes."

We walked downstairs, and sat at the table, eating pancakes.

"How did you sleep, Mr DiCaprio?" The butler asked Leo.

"I slept great. So did she." He pointed at me.

I choked on a pancake. But it was funny, so I laughed.

"I should probably get going." I sighed after finishing my pancakes. I pulled out my phone and called an Uber.

"I'll come stand outside with you while you wait." Leo smiled.

We sat on the front porch together.

"Can I get your number?" Leo asked me. "J-just so I can contact you about stuff."

I nodded, and gave him my number.

"Thanks." He said, tucking his phone away.

"You know what would be cool?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked, turning to him.

"If you tried out for the movie I'm doing."

"What? No, I couldn't." I said. "I'm not even that good of an actress."

"Oh, don't even, I'm sure you're great." He smiled.

"I don't know... Kate would be furious. She'd make my life hell."

"I wouldn't let her." He said, and I could tell he meant it.

I sighed. "I'll think about it."

He jumped up, "Great! I'll text you the address."

I guess I have to now.

The Understudy~Leonardo DicaprioWhere stories live. Discover now