Chapter 15

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'What a lovely way to finish our first day of school' I muse to myself as I recall everything  that's happened today.

I'm sitting in the backseat of the car Giovanna sent for us as V and I talk about our plan for tonight.

"Я говорю, мы просто спросим Джио, можем ли мы пойти, я не хочу ей лгать. К тому же она будет волноваться, если не увидит нас в наших кроватях." I try to convince my sister.

(I say we just ask Gio if we can go, I don't wanna lie to her. Plus, she'll be worried if she doesn't see us in our beds.)

V just snorts as she replies,
"Мы оба знаем, что Джио спит как скала, и никогда не проверяет нас. Спил, почему ты так плохо хочешь ей рассказать?"

(We both know Gio sleeps like a rock and never checks up on us. Spill, why do you want to tell her so bad?)

"Что если ... Гера попытается убить нас или что-то в этом роде или мы попадем в засаду?"
(What if...Hera tries to kill us or something or we get ambushed?)

"Ничего не произойдет. Мы просто уходим к 11, катимся на окраину и разговариваем, а? Кроме того, вы забыли, что мы можем буквально вывести из строя 10 взрослых мужчин менее чем за 10 минут?"
(Nothing is going to happen. We just leave by 11 and skate over to the outskirts and talk yeah? Plus, did you forget that we can literally incapacitate 10 grown men in under a minute?)

She stares at me with an obvious look as I laugh out loud.

I remembered that Gio had bought us skateboards. For our birthdays a while back, she had bought us skateboards so we could get around quicker. It's a passion for both of us really.

"Fine. Fine. Let's just get all of this over with."

You see, I don't resent Hera, I'm just lost why she didn't go looking for us earlier or even call to check up on us.

We pull up in front of the house as the driver lets us out of the car. We thank them as we walk into the kitchen.

The boys are sitting at the island with their little group of friends. I fling my backpack to the wall as I go over to a speaker I spotted, paying no attention to the boys.

V walks over to the fridge as she seems to look around it for a bit.

"No fucking way, they have Baklava Junie."

With that I snap my head up and look at her.

"Cut me a piece or we're going to have a problem." I say in a sing-songy voice.

I put my head down as I connect my phone to the speaker as I flick through playlists.

"King Von, Kid Cudi, Joji, or Arctic Monkeys dear sister?" I ask her as I continue to swipe through the music.

"I don't know...surprise me." she smirks.

I nod as I just press shuffle and let the music play.

By now all the boys are just watching our encounter like they're at some zoo.

My sister notices too. She hands me my piece of Baklava as she snaps at them.

"Keep staring and I'll scoop out your eyes with my spoon." she says not turning around to look at them while holding up her spoon.

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