Jealous Much?

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A couple months has passed since the accident.  Draco is still getting used to the feeling of not having his mother or father there...

'Hey Draco!!' You shout as he walks into the Dark Arts class.

'Uh...Hey Y/N....' He said not making eye contact.

You walk up to him and say, ' What's wrong with you lately...?'

'What? I'm fine.' He said staring at his desk, twiddling his thumbs.

'You don't se-'

'SEAT MISS Y/N' Professor Moody shouted as he walked into the room.

'Sorry Sir.' You take your seat and one last glance at Draco before Harry nudges you and says, 

'Forget about him,He's being Draco that's all. But I don't even get what you see in him Y/N.'

'He's nice once you get to know him Harry.' You look into Harry's Greenish blue eyes before blushing and looking at Moody.

Harry smiles and looks at the desk before looking back up.   

Draco sees you blushing and gets mad. He grips his quill so hard it breaks and Goyle jumps in the seat next to him when Draco slammed his hands on the desk before getting up and storming out the class.  

'I'm sorry Professor!' You tell him before getting out your seat and following Malfoy.

'DRACO!....DRACO!!....DRACO MALFOY YOU STOP RIGHT NOW AND ANSWER ME!' You take a firm tone with him as he's walking away.

'LEAVE ME ALONE.' He shouts back turning his whole body to face you.

'WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!' Professor McGonagall said as she walks out to see you and Draco.

'Sorry Professor.' You say lowering your head and clasping your hands together behind your back.

You both get escorted back to class, Draco doesn't listen but just stares at the piece of parchment.  When class is over he scrunches the piece of parchment and throws it in the bin.

You wait till everyone is gone before taking the parchment out the bin and looking at it.

'I wish you knew, how much I liked you ?????'  The parchment read.

The name was scribbled out! You throw it in the bin before sneaking out the classroom.  I wonder who's name it was...You think before heading to the quidditch game.

'YESS!! GO GRYFFINDOR!!!!!!' You shout before making eye contact with Harry again, you both smile at each other and you soon realise Draco is watching. You turn to Hermione. 

'I think something is up with Draco, Hermione...He's been giving me looks lately when I'm talking to Harry, in Dark Arts  I think me and Harry sitting together is making him..Jealous..'

'I believe your correct Y/N, Draco likes youuuuu' Hermione says before poking you in the arm multiple times. 

'Noooo!' You laugh along with her.

                                                           ...After the Quidditch match...

'Damn, Slytherin won..' Harry said with a disappointed look on his face, running his hand through his hair and throwing his head down. 

You smile at him and lift his head to yours, 'That doesn't matter though! You've still won more games than them in total, right?' You say with a smile.

'No..It's tied now. Next match is to see which house wins.  Bet your little friend Draco would like That.' Harry said rolling his eyes.

You laugh and push him a little , ' Oh shut up' You burst out laughing.

Draco walks up to you and grabs your wrist. 

'Y/N Come with me.' He said with a firm tone.

'OW! What are you doing Draco!' You say taking control of  your arm again.

'What are you doing with Potter?!  You know I hate him.' Draco looks you dead in the eyes.

'So? He's my best friend Draco..You can't stop me talking to him...' You say scared and folding your arms in fear.

'Yes, I can stop making you talk to him.' 

'WHAT?! You wouldn't.' You feel threatened

'Good.  You're sleeping in the boys side of the Dorm tonight.' He said as he walks away.

You sigh, -what've I got myself into.- You think.

Draco Malfoy, A Broken Boy.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें