grell x sans x undertaker x william x ronnie

10 1 5

this took a long ass time to write

grell was so bored. agian. wo manu times will be be so hored? idojtk kow. do you? probabl no .t she aws so bored. , than whenne se sheobed a pencil p her ass, it didnt evnen make her haooy. hoe cringe. she e pilled up fornntiee funny moments #45 nt uat that tiidnt even jelp!!!!!!!!!!!!! she ssoobed into her anhnads in painan dagony . 

hshe deiceded to acll up snas bc shhe was soooooo hinryke and needed sans dic. snas imamdeiately picked p.

"hi" he isad. grelll came imdeaitely. 

"u ar sooooo hot can we ucck????" glrlel reposnded.

"yes"s snorges sasasid. "thank you saepnapi" tgrell saysi  and cdeciede t o clal up ronei . she newk that he would like snas VEYR muc. she lal him with chese stikc didldo (onyl REAL ones will get it ). he reposnde d 50000000000000000000000000000 eyars later. 

"hi" roene saod. "hi" glrle said. "wantn  to come to fuck budyd met up?" glrell rposrosped. "ok" ronneui said and hung oup. glerlel was sp ceexited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seh get ti be fucked by snasdysas again. what a great day for iaher!!!! hse used her amer girl powers to fltelepoert to ur moms pussy. when seh arrived hshe sa w sansn and underkater awlready there.

"whehre is willaim and rojnie?" glrel asked. tight ars she didi, she saw willamina and eronnnie jm p down fomr the roof an d landed nect to her.

"hi" romnie said . he was o  hot that sanns came immeditalye. it was os hot tha t grell camme too and willamina siad "tsk" whene eh iddi willamina also bent ronei over nand started fucking him . gllre whinesd in kealluss.

"WIL WHY UFKC RONNIE AND NOT ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" se creied. willamina said "tsk" and comtinued fuckign ronnje. glrlel couldnt believe this. how could htis hadbe haopened. but before she shcoult do autjing, sansn was behind her and fcukcing her,. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SNANORAORAHAHS UR DICK SOOOO BIG" she amoaned.

 unedkarktaer, being aksomne, ahda to do osmetning to get off. so he garbbae da nearby squirrle and used iht as a  cocksleeve. it waos osooooo good htat he cmame inside of hte qsuiqller, casing it to explode with ihs cum .t hits causde everyone alerse to cu,m as wlel anmd it was so ht hatht tjhue acll came agian. 

"omg u iguys are so hot..." glrlel muredmrued. willamina said "tsk" and jten walked behding her. "will senpai mastear dadyd onii chan what are yo u doign>?" glrle saksed. willamina lookde donw on her and thant started tfuc,ing her. frlell was so ahpapy that hse came iimmadiet/ "OMG WIKL LTAHN KYOU!!!!!!!!" glrell sreaming in joy nad willamina said "tsk" and comitnued gufkcing her. snans looked at jtjim whit haeppenies. ehtn, the dieisided to stick his willy dilly into gelre's mouth. 

"sassnass do it.... " glrel muerttrered. he fnooede and shoved his baicg, juicy cock into hier mouth . grell maotneaned in pleasure. after 848348938948989489389348934 hours of fciking grlel, willamina and sandy ass fnally acmae.

 ronine ie, in the bamckfground, stjaireted psisising all ov er t he lforo ,a nd unrderatkare decided to lick it up. the piss takstses so xsexy and understaker ame immdeiaitely. after seeing undertaker lieck up all of his piss ,ronnie cmame ass lwell. agfet rthey  all cooleded down for m tehy ir hihgehs, they lal l goot toghther to gsdsusgccs tings.

"ok we nemet whehre asomiemte when rgrel l gets bored egeian?" sandy ass aksed. everyeone saud "ok" excpet ofor willamina, wh iosaid "tsk." htne the ll y lal lsaid goodbte and blasted of again.


next kink talking penis? 😳😏🥵

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