me vs the guy she told me not to worry about

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oh twiligt.. i cant stop thinking about you, no matter how hard i try! i just cant! i must see you again and-


nani the hell is this? (that was painful to type)

a-a-a..a etter?

a letter from.. oh, from my dearest twilight5.!

oh twilight.. im so glad you're able to remember me.. i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i... i'm just so glad!

(the end ofthe note says meet me at my house at 2:30AM come alone)

whats this? 

oh i cant wait!


oh twilight my dearest twilight! are you there?

twilight: finally, you came! now shh, 

mordecai: shh? shh for what? i cant stay quiet, i cant keep it i! oh its like lightning in a bottle (that also was painful to type)!

twilight: no really shhh

mordecai: but-

at that mometn, a beastly growl echoed across the land.

"Who the f2ck are you?"

mordecai x twilight sparkleWhere stories live. Discover now