New Friends

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3rd P.O.V

Arbiter: AHHHHHHHHH!!!

Arbiter was riding a taxi with a crazy driver

Taxi driver: don't worry ma'am! We will be okay


Taxi driver: *laughs* he will be fine! *drifts*

Arbiter screams again until they finally reach the mall her voice was almost gone because of how she scream like almost a child

Taxi driver: That will be 10€!

Arbiter: k-keep th-the change...

She got out of the taxi with shaking legs probably because she pissed herself or maybe her soul always got out of her body when the car drifts, who knows?

Arbiter: that human is crazy! He needs to go to the mental hospital or something! Let's see how many money do I have

Arbiter: 1000€

Now if your wondering how she get this money

Flashback 2 hours ago

Mafia leader: oohh~ what do we got here boys~?

Mafia member: we caught her defenseless boss!

Mafia leader: what's your name darling~?


Mafia leader: I ask you a question!

Arbiter: sorry im deaf

Mafia leader: then how the fuck can you hear me!?

Arbiter: your mom

Mafia leader: you motherfucker-!

The leader's head was sliced in half then the other mafia members as well

Flashbacks end

Arbiter was now walking inside the mall, she was amazed obviously because she never ever see a mall.

She was roaming around trying to find the the supermarket where she can buy foods and some goods probably some mouth wash, and tooth brushes.

Arbiter's P.O.V

I was roaming around trying to find the so called supermarket there are many food stores I was basically hungry so I need to eat then go buy some foods.

Soon I go to the food store called McDonald's they are many people eating in this store. I was next to order and there was the waitress smiling at me like an innocent child

Waitress: what order do you want to ma'am!

Arbiter: uhh... Can I get a 2 pieces of chicken and McNuggets then a.... Coke and fries please

Waitress: ok coming right up!

She go off preparing my food minutes later she came back with the food on the food tray

Waitress: here we go! That will be 8€

Arbiter: thanks

I gave her 10€ and she gave me the change, I sat on the unoccupied table and eat there not gonna lie it taste like HEAVEN!

Arbiter: ahh~ delicious~

Suddenly a kid was staring up at me with puppy eyes- wait he was staring at my food!

The Future Life of Arbiter The Empress IIIМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя