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Thank you all so much for reading my story. I thank you all for sticking with me and your hilarious comments. I am so sorry that I kept on dying because like others my mental health is fading and uh school sucks.

I tried not to rush the ending but here are some things that you might be confusing.

Good ending
1. You and Mina moved away together.
2.bakugo did rape Mina in a fit of anger, (in all honesty no one enjoyed it but he wanted you to be "pure") meaning that your son (you can chose the name) is in fact minas and bakugos.
3. Bakugo was sent to 4 years of prison when his parents and yourself said he wasn't in the right mindset landing him 8 years in a mental asylum.
4. You forgave him. Mina did not.
5. However, you both filed a restraining order.

Bad ending
1. Bakugo got paranoid. To an extent where he killed you. So now your the perfect little doll. Your mortal soul trapped forever. Never to be seen again.

And the best part? This whole thing? Was a dream. A endless nightmare you so helplessly got trapped in. Waiting to be woken up.

Thanks again. And remember.

Life is an illusion

𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 //𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦! 𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰Where stories live. Discover now