02 Forgotten Past

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-slight violence


I arrived at the bar with a heavy sigh. I strongly hoped that bad luck didn't follow me in this godforsaken place.

"'Sup lil shit." As usual, Mr. Chakrii's men were trying to get a reaction out of me. I looked away and tried my best to resist the urge of kicking their bloated stomachs because there were four of them and I know they would beat the hell out of me. I've been there in the past and waking up to the pain wasn't very pleasant.

I made my way to the lockers and quickly changed to my uniform. Waiting tables shouldn't be a very stressful job but being a waiter in this establishment had my stress levels always up to a hundred. The only thing that keeps me sane in this hell hole is the fact that I'll be free in 8 months.

"Well, Someone looks terribly pissed." First came in wearing a fitted tux and a strong perfume. While I'm always looking haggard every night, he always looks fresh and seems to have nothing to worry about in the world.

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Geez, you're stingy today. If you hate working here so much, why don't you just be a host like me? I mean you could choose to be a stripper but the routines are just too much of a hassle to learn. Not only do I get a ton of money, but I'm also being well-taken care of too. Come on Gulf, you're very sugar baby material. If you're worried about sleeping with the clients, you'll get used to it!"

I slammed my locker and faced him.

"I swear to god, if you ever ask me that question again, I will punch that pretty face of yours." I glared at him as I exited the room. Sometimes he talks too much it becomes condescending.

The music was booming loudly and people were dancing everywhere. While everyone was having fun, I was trying my best not to think about the events earlier. I grabbed a tray and went to the counter. It's time to work.

"VIP Table 19. Though be careful, they're really drunk and Earth refused to serve them again because they were being aggressive and rude." Ohm handed me the food and drinks and wished me luck.

As I walked to the VIP section, I told myself not to engage with the customers and just leave as soon as I placed their orders on the table. However, when I reached them I knew there was going to be trouble.

"Hey! You look prettier than the first one! Come sit here."

"I'm sorry sir. I'm not a host." I was quickly removing the items off the tray and didn't dare to make eye contact.

"But you have such a fine ass!" I felt a hand slap me from behind. My body stiffened and honestly, my first instinct was to slap the tray on the bald man's face.

While I sucked in my pride, I prepared myself to leave without saying a word. But some people just don't know when enough is enough. I saw his filthy hand extend to touch me again and I didn't have a choice but to hit his arm. Unfortunately for him, my palm landed on his face and I knew right away that it wasn't going to end well for me.

The bald man stood up and started yelling. I was fortunate enough that the people he was with were holding him back. From the corner of my eye, I saw the bouncer approach us. I'm in trouble. Big trouble. I could feel water welling in my eyes because I had nowhere to escape.

The bouncer eyed me like I was the one at fault. The bald man was starting to argue that he felt very insulted and that he didn't expect such an awful service from the bar.

"I'm a VIP! You h-hear me? VIP!" He couldn't even talk straight and yet they were on his side.

"I'm a VIP too and I booked him first." I was surprised by the interruption and at the hand that rested on my back. I looked at the stranger beside me.

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