~I: Discovery (Jack)~

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Alright! I would like to spend some time thanking you guys for 10k reads! I wasn't sure what to write, hence the delays. The rest of the chapters will be released soon!

I took a few heavy breaths. I was relaxing on the couch, watching TV. I could not stop thinking about Claire. P- I mean, Bryan, looked at me and sighed curiously.

"You know, with you being so oblivious, I wouldn't be suprised if you got the hankai disease."

"What do you mean that I'm oblivious? I know she doesn't like me!"

At the exact moment, I could feel a churning in my stomach. I was confused, but shrugged it off. It's nothing, it has been doing that for the past year. All the sudden, I feel like I need to throw up, and right now. Suddenly, I threw up my own blood and some weird looking rose petals. I shrugged and thought to myself.

Why the fuck did I eat some flowers?

When I looked up, I looked at Bryan, who had a shocked look on his face. Suddenly, it looked like he had a look of horror and dread on his face.

Why does he have a look of dread on his face?

I was just really confused. First of all, I think I should get myself checked out. Second of all, I think I need to ask Po- Bryan some questions on why he is giving me that look. And also, why do I also have a dread feeling?

"Bryan, what the fuck just happened?"

It took quite a bit before he finally spoke. When he finally did, I knew my life was going to change forever...

"You have the Hanakai disease. Why must fate make me relive the events that me and Gal- I mean, Josiah had to go through?"

Suddenly, all of that came to mind.... the blue petals coming out of his mouth... but I wasn't sure how it ended, heck if he's even alive. For all we know, he could have succumbed to the disease. And, I know I have three months to enjoy my cruel life....

"Wait, is he even alive at all?"

Just as I said that, I felt like throwing up again. Ugh... I quickly excused myself to the bathroom and threw up the stupid blood and petals again.I went downstairs only to find out that Bryan had actually grabbed a bucket for me to throw up in. He sat me down, and the 19 year old sighed and said,

"Bro, I don't think Vul- Claire would want to see you in this condition. First of all, let me tell you the story between my boyfriend and I."

Josiah's still alive?

"Wait, he's still alive?"

"Thanks to me quickly realizing that I needed to confess to him. So, I arrived at his house only to find out that he had been throwing up all over the place. I asked him what was going on, and Claire told me it was Hanakai disease, and that in order to save him, you needed to confess. Skip three months, and he almost died. I just didn't have the courage, and I...I told him my love for him, and he hugged me and he said he loved me back. Seeing you like this makes me hurt, because it makes me relive the awful memories. Please, take your time to gather up the courage to confess to Claire."

But... I know she doesn't like me. I can tell, she barely even touches me.

"I know what your thinking, Jack. She isn't the affectionate type. Heck, she has touched you more than anyone."


"Ugh... you are waayyy too oblivious. This is starting to get annoying."

"What do you mean that I'm oblivious?"

"Not even poggers thinks that Claire doesn't like you."

"Nah, she doesn't. I can tell."

At this point, he gave up on talking and began cooking one of his recipes. It was a hot July day, but that didn't usually stop me from making hot dishes. I step up to tell him that I could do it, but he pushed me away and said,

"Jack, I know you usually do this, but like take a nap. I'll wake you up once I have dinner ready."


"No buts! I live with your fucking ass and you should let me cook your food when you are sick!"


I sat down on the couch and finally closed my eyes. I'm sure I'd slept for an hour, because Bryan was standing there, putting hot-sauce on me. I widened my eyes and screamed, which earned a snicker from the Mexican-American. He patted my back and offered my nachos with all of my favorite sauces, while he went back to cooking his own dinner. I grabbed a chil, dipped into the queso, and put it in my mouth.

Suprisingly, it was very good! I quickly began gobbling up more and more, and before I knew it, I could feel like throwing up again.

Seriously? Not now!

"Put your food aside and throw up into the bucket. It's fine, Josiah did that all the time."

I threw up in the bucket, and continued gobbling up the chips, dipping them in Queso, Guacamole, and many more! Eventually, I could feel myself sleepy, and I headed off to bed thinking about all that had happened today.

Well fuck, time to enjoy the last three months of my life.

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