~III: Problems (Vulcan)~

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After rolling my ankle earlier today, I've been in pain, so why not write a chapter to help pass time?

Jack! No! Don't die on me! I love you!

I could clearly tell he didn't hear me. It was like as if he was deaf. There was a thunderstorm roaring outside. A steak of lightning hit the ground twenty feet away from the old house. The thunder shook the house like no other.

"Please! I love you!"

"No. You don't. Let me die!"

"Yes I love you!"

"No! We had a long happy life together but this is the end!"

I could see him collapse to the ground. I gasped in horror. I didn't want him to die... I quickly went up to his head.... but before I could move, I could feel myself sinking into the ground. I cried as he died. I wished for death, and I got my wish. A lightning bolt hit me.

I woke up in a sweat after the nightmare. This wasn't unusual, especially after I found out. I mean..... Hanakai is a scary disease. It can be fatal if the person with it truly does have a one-sided love. But, of course, it always isn't. Sometimes, it doesn't know the other person loves them. Jack doesn't know he loves me.

It's been a month since I found out. I've been living with him, making sure he was okay. Of course, he was throwing up all the time, so I had to go sleep in a separate rooms. Part of me wishes to sleep with him, but again... I know I can't. It's just not a good idea to be awaken by him relentlessly throwing up. Believe me, I've had so many sleepless nights. I closed my eyes and recollected some old memories... one from 2.5 years ago....

I opened my eyes. It was the morning after my suicide attempt. I opened my eyes slowly, making sure I wasn't dead. But then, I remembered, I was alive. But still, I kinda wanted to cut myself. I made the mistake of turning besides me and I saw him- Jack.


This quickly woke him up, and he gasped when he saw me. I wasn't expecting to be sleeping right besides him.

"Holy shit Claire! Did we sleep together?"

"I think so. Why are we even in the same bed?"

"Uhh.... last night?"

Suddenly, the events from that night came to me... the argument.... one of my oldest friends ditching me... me grabbing the gun... me attempting to shoot myself... the door falling... the gun firing... and of course, the conversation.

"Oh my lord... did I attempt suicide last night?"

"You sure did. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Now, tell me why you did it?"

I quickly got on the side of my bed and hid my face in my hands. I didn't want to admit I was a loser. That I had lost a friend. Suddenly, he rubbed my back and sat besides me. I felt myself deeply blushing.

'Why are you blushing, Claire?'

"It's okay. Claire, tell me what happened. I need to know, so I know how to comfort you."

I felt myself blushing even more. I could not focus on finding the words I needed to say to him.

"One of my oldest friends and I had an argument over my sexuality. He abandoned me and said if I ever talked to him again, he would kill me. I cried all day, because he had helped me through depression and rejection."

I tried hiding my blush. I wasn't even sure why I was blushing even. I don't even think he likes me!

"Oh my goodness... that's awful! I... am so sorry you had to go through that. But, you have me, and it will be okay."

He went up to me and hugged me. I could feel the tears coming out of my eyes.

I could feel myself smiling at that memory. It will always be one of my favorites, and slowly but surely, we grew closer and closer.... until I realized I was in love. Suddenly, I could hear some throwing up noises, which clearly meant that Jack was awake.

"Mornin, Jack. Throwing up first thing in the morning?"

"Uhh yes?"

"That's no fun. You still have that stupid disease. Oh well, I hope you don't die. Better tell the dean of our college that you won't be attending, and I'll be staying from home. Good thing it's only twenty minutes away."

"Yeah go ahea- gagging and tell he- gagging that I won't be able to attend school for awhile if I even live."

"Yeah, I'll go ahead and do that. I love you!"

Of course, he chose to throw up at that exact moment, so he didn't hear me....

"What did you say?"


Bad timing. Better tell the dean.

I quickly called the dean and explained the situation. This would be a lovely school year....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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