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Next day after school

School is finally over but I still have band or whatever I was about to open until the door slammed open from the inside "Hi welcome!" A black hair boy greeted me excitedly

" yo" I greeted them I raise my hand and gave them a small wave Kurapika then came up to me

"Salutations I am Kurapika Kurta-" he tried to introduce himself but I cut him off

"Hold it, no need for introductions I already know all you people"

I said yawning after.

"How the hell do you know us you arrogant little shit are ya a stalker or something!" Leorio yelled furrowing his eyebrows in annoyance

"No you reverse fetus if you had'nt notice you and your little buddy boo is infamous in this school you for your repeated failed scams and Kurapika for his multiple attempts of murder of the spiders Im suprise he's not in jail" I yelled back

"Why you little-" Leorio tried to punch me I dodge grabbed his fist and twisted him around and he fell on the floor

"Guys please stop fighting we can all be friends here right?" Gon said cheerfully, trying to brighten up the mood. I simply just walked up to him, put my finger under his chin and moved his head up to face me.

"Don't think I forgot  about you shorty" I brought my head down and whispered to his ear

"I'm not short I still have plenty of time to grow, aunt Mito said if I continue you to drink my milk and eat my veggies I will be super tall" he said simply in a matter a factly tone all I did was chuckle and noogied his surprisingly soft hair. I then winked and walked away all I saw was an awestruck expression on his cute little face before I turned around I'm now at my seat and

Gon doesnt seem so bad a little stupid but its kind cute. 

Leorio is definitely going to be fun to mess with and kurapi- *slam* my thoughts were interrupted by a door slamming once again

Then comes a girl with a disgustingly pink dress, a guy who looks disheveled and Zushi, the big eyebrow kid who is on the middle school side.

"Hello my little honeys" in a plastic sweet voice it seem to fool no one which is why Gon is looking at her curiously everyone said good morning back skeptically, except me

"Hey little girl cut it with the fake voice and also why are you here?" I asked she then sent death glare at me before returning to her sweet plastic voice.

"Well sweetie" she said with visible irritation "my voice is not fake I'm just so so sweet and I'm your teacher I'm not a little girl Im 54" she said everyone looked shocked including me this must mean she has that rare disorder called Progeria. I think it's when you look differently than how you age so basically this blond bimbo is mentally 54 but has a body of a 12 year old I know it would be fucked up if I laughed but I got to admit that shit is kinda funny. I begin to laugh out loud a bit and Kurapika and Leorio looked at me disapprovingly while Gon looked like he had smoke coming out of his head trying to solve a mystery "Listen you little brat its not funny so shut it" the blonde lady said her character breaking. She then picked up a text book and threw it at my head. It hit me straight in the forehead leaving me a bruise I rubbed my knot on my forehead.

" HEY WATCH IT OLD HAG THAT FUCKING HURTS" I yelled angerly this dumb bitch hit me I then pouted

"Who you call-" the lady now interrupted by the disheveled man

"Anyways, welcome to the band club my name is Wing. I am your supervisor. I will teach you the basics and be the guide to help you". He then pointed at that old hag "and that lady over there will be your agent she will teach you the more complicated things and will help you promote your stuff" she then blew a kiss and threw a peace sign I couldn't help but physically cringe I gagged in my head. "Lastly, the kid next to me is Zushi. He will be something like a bus boy. He will bring you guys water and snacks and help you guys on the side lines" Zushi slightly bow saying osu.

"Now that we introduce ourselves it's your turn" he then pointed at me "how about you go first "he motioned me to come up I nodded my head In agreement the got up to stand in front of the classroom.

"My name is Killua Zoldyck and I skateboard or whatever I love chocolate robots k Im done any questions and I play guitar " I said I put both of my arms on the back of my head Leorio began to raise his hand "ok none too bad I really was looking forward to some" I said while smirking Gon began to clap looking somewhat star struck.

"Ok next" wing said

Time skip because I basically introduce you to all the important characters

"Ok now since where all formally introduced its time to start first we need to come up with a band name" everyone began to brainstorm and swap ideas

" I recommend scarlet eyes as a band name" Kurapika said to me and Leorio shook our heads in disagreement.

"Kurapika I don't know what type of genre of music were singing but I know its not goth that name is edgier than sasuke" leorio laughed at my comment while 'kurapika huffed

"Well if your so smart you make up one smartass" I was about to say something until Leorio interrupted me

"killua has no need too because I came up with a bomb ass band name the name is The money men" I couldn't help but snort who the fuck still says bomb what is this the 90's I knew he looked old but I didn't know he acted old too and to put the cherry on top his shit ass band name it seems like creativity is not part of his very few braincells he owns. Kurapika just faced palm at the stupidness and Gon seemed focused on something all I can see is he is writing x's on papers or I think there x's, his handwriting looks like chicken scrap Gon began to raise his hand.

"Ooh ooh choose me choose me next please" Gon said cheerfully like a 5 year old raising their hand to get chosen. kurapika simply smiled at the scene and gave a thumbs up. Gon..... It was kinda adorable of his reaction but I don't like him or anything because I barely know the guy I blushed at the thought "ok guys!" he slammed his paper down on the table "how about hunter x hunter" he recommended I mean I don't see a problem it seems pretty cool too me plus I have no name or idea for our band name but they don't know that ne he.

"Yeah that sounds pretty cool Gon" I said both Leorio and kurapika agreed with me. We all agreed and the wing said we needed to agree on what genre we were playing in.

Ok that's the end here for now I will most likely put an update every other day and drop off the face of planet earth buh bye luvs also I know killua seems like a dick but he is not he is a very sweet character he just have many barriers also kinda self projected on him with my terrible roasting abilities.

Band! (Killugon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora