And so Another Story Begins

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The warm, fresh sun that arrives with summertime shone down in hot rays that beat upon the people of Magnolia. Natsu and Lucy had just come back from their honeymoon, and now everyone was watching as Gray knelt before Juvia in the Guild Hall, wielding a glittering ring.

"Of course Juvia will beloved!" Juvia tackled Gray in an overbearing hug, tears flowing from her eyes like a waterfall.

"It appears I have started a new trend." Gajeel said to Levy as they say by the bar counter, watching the scene.

"Well, it sure did take longer than I thought." Levy said.

"It's hard to believe, everyone is starting their lives so fast," Gajeel said, "seriously, how many months in is Evergreen?"

"Umm, I believe it's been eight, almost nine."

"They're getting close."

"Wow, and it seems like they were just married yesterday." Levy said.

"They certainly didn't waste any time with the wedding and starting their new family."

"None at all, " Levy nodded, "oh and speaking of the happy couple..."

Evergreen and Elfman had made their way to the bar together, Evergreen's stomach bulging.

"Wow, you're huge, ." Gajeel remarked, "you could be having twins."

"Thanks." Evergreen rolled her eyes, sitting at the nearest stool, her hand on her stomach.

"How's it going Elfman?" Gajeel asked.

"Hey what about Evergreen?" Levy folded her arms.

"I know what happens in these times, and believe me it is just as hard on the man."

"It's been tough," Evergreen said, putting a hand on Elfman's shoulder, "but I'm sure he can handle it."

"Only a real man can do it." Elfman added, lifting his chest.

Evergreen jumped, looking down.

"Oh Elfman, another one." she patted his shoulder excitedly.

"Can we feel?" Levy asked, smiling.

"Yeah." Evergreen guided Levy's hand on top of her stomach.

"Oh wow," she said, "that's amazing, Gajeel, why don't you have a feel." she took his hand in hers and placed it on Evergreen.

"Woah," Gajeel's eyes widened, "the little guy really is moving."

"What does it feel like?" Levy asked Evergreen.

"Like a cricket jumping across me." Evergreen replied.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Gajeel said to Levy, raising one of his studded brows.

"I just like to know, you can't learn everything from books." Levy said. "So how much longer do you think?"

"I believe just a few more weeks, and believe me I am so ready for it to be over." Elfman said.

"Hey, I'm not that bad." Evergreen laughed.

"Yeah you're laughing now, you weren't when you punched me in the face yesterday."

Gajeel chuckled.

"You know Levy, we should take a job." Gajeel said, "It's a nice morning and we haven't been in a long time."

"Yeah sure, is there anything good Mira?" Levy turned to the barmaid, who had tears in her eyes.

"I think I have something good for you two." she pushed a flyer out to them.

"Sounds good," Gajeel said, scanning the paper, "we'll take it."

"Okay." Mirajane said, "you guys have fun."

"Thanks Mira," Levy yelled as she and Gajeel made out the door together, "give Gray and Juvia our congratulations, and Elfman and Evergreen have fun, too."


"What a long day." Levy said as she made her way up the steps to her and Gajeel's house.

The sun was setting as they had just returned from their job. She opened up the front door and collapsed immediately on the couch, Gajeel following up sitting beside her.

"It's good to be back." he sighed.

"I need a book." Levy stood up and picked up one from the rows of shelves that lined their living room.

She reclined against Gajeel, her head laying on his chest as she held the book on her lap.

"How was your job?" Pantherlily flew in.

"It was tiring," Levy said.

"Well I'm glad you're back," Pantherlily said, "I can make dinner."

"No, you don't have to do that." Levy said, looking up from her book.

"You two relax, it's fine."

"Thanks cat," Gajeel said.

The two laid there for a while as Pantherlily worked away in the kitchen, coming back several minutes later bearing plates of pasta(yes pasta.)

He sat on the chair across from them as they all ate.

"So," he said, "there is something I would like to tell you."

Levy straightened up,"What is it?"

"I feel that it is time for me to leave, not anywhere far, but just leave the house." He answered.

Gajeel spoke up this time, "What do you mean, cat?"

"You two are married, you'll be starting a family soon, I think it would be best for me to be out, I think if I stay any longer then I will be stepping into your time together."

"Of course you're not, don't think that we don't love having you here."

"It is better this way," he said "Carla and Happy have already moved out to take care of their litter, and I'm prepared to move close to them so that I may help watch over and protect them and their kittens."


"It is my duty as an exceed," he said, "and I want to, it will be better for you guys and the kittens."

"But..." Levy objected.

"It's okay Pantherlily," Gajeel said, "I'm just happy that you're doing it all for a good purpose, and Carla and Happy's children need you more than we do."

"I am already packed and will be ready to leave in a few weeks," Pantherlily assures, "and I'm sorry to tell you so last minute, but I could never make myself do it before."

"We'll miss you Pantherlily." Levy said, lip quivering.

"I won't be far, and I'll see you at the guild every day." He said, "well I better go get some sleep, though."

And with that he floated away, setting his empty plate in the sink.

Levy slumped back against Gajeel.

"I can't believe he's leaving, just to give us more space."

"I'll miss him," Gajeel shook his head sadly, "but we don't want to make him feel any worse about leaving."

"You're right," she said, standing up, "and I'm going to get a long needed shower." she sighed, "and get ready for bed."

"Mind if I hop in with you?" Gajeel asked, the corners of his lips curling up.

"Nice try."

"It was worth a shot."

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