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"No!" Levy yelled, jolting up in bed, sweat adorning her face and neck.

The covers around her were unusually mangled, and one of her pillows was strewn on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Gajeel sprang up as soon as he heard her yell.

"No," Levy breathed, tears welled up in her eyes, and had begun to flow, "no, I'm not. Our baby, they... we lost them...they didn't make it... we.." she sobbed into her hands, "they didn't make it."

"Oh no," Gajeel wrapped his arms around her, letting her bury her face in his shoulder and weep into it, "it's okay."

He gently swayed, back and forth, allowing her to cry and weep and empty the sorrows of her lost baby.

"It was just a dream," he soothed, "our baby isn't leaving us."

"It was awful." Levy sobbed.

"It's over now," Gajeel calmed, "the baby is just fine."

Her sobs slowly calmed down as Gajeel continued to hold her.

Gajeel held her and soothed her until she fell asleep, in his arms. He kissed the top of her head before he laid it back on the pillow and let her rest.


Gajeel woke up the next morning, stretching out his arm to throw over his wife, but she wasn't there.

He opened his eyes, only to see the empty spot of mangled sheets.

He stepped off the bed and checked the bathroom, where she wasn't.

He then padded out to the living room, she wasn't there either.

The last place he checked: the nursery. Sure enough there she was, leaning over the crib, looking into it with hazel orbs that were almost on the brink of tears.

"Levy..." Gajeel went to her and rubbed his hand over her back.

"Sorry, Gajeel, its just.." Levy sighed, "we can't lose this baby. I don't know if I could deal with that. What if we lost them before we even know them, what if they die right there in that infirmary room?"

"There's that possibility, and I know it's a hard thing to think about," Gajeel said, "there's a million things that could happen in that room, but I'm hopeful. You should be, too. We saw our baby," he drew a picture out from his pocket, taken from the ultrasound, "look at them, they're right here." he placed his hand on Levy's stomach, "Seems pretty alive to me, I can feel their little kicks, they're getting ready to come out and meet us, mommy and daddy."

Levy looked down at her swollen belly. "I know, I can feel, but-"

"But no matter what happens to this baby, whether it lives or dies or turns blue, we're going to give it all of our love. No matter what. And we'll keep trying. But I have a strong feeling that our family starts with this."

"Yeah," Levy said, still uncertainly, wiping her eyes, "Thanks honey." she kissed his cheek,"Did you want to head over to the guild hall?"

"Yes, I'm starving."


"Hey guys," Mirajane smiled as the two sat down at the bar, "how are you?"

"Pretty good," Levy answered, "I-"

"I wasn't asking you," Mira giggled, "I was asking the baby."

"Oh yes," Gajeel remarked sarcastically, "of course you were."

She laughed, "I'm serious though, how's it doing."

"Shhh!" Gajeel and Levy both hushed.


"Don't say the 'it' word around the baby, they can hear us." Gajeel warned.

"What else am I supposed to call it-"


"-if I don't know the baby's gender." Mira finished.

"They, them, her/he, there's a lot of words you could use." Levy replied.

"I'm sorry," Mirajane said, "but it's cute that you guys talk about your baby like that." She smiled.

"The kid will be here any day," Gajeel said, "we've got to be ready."

"So you are prepared for what you've got to do in that delivery room?"

"Yep," Gajeel grasped Levy's hand in his, "we are."

"I hope so." Levy sighed.

"So you're still worried?"

"How can I not be?" she scoffed.

Gajeel lifted his studded eyebrows.

"I'm sorry," she said, "it's just, I'm so paranoid about all of these things that can happen, and..."

"What's wrong?" Mirajane asked, sincerely.

"Levy's worried that something might happen to the baby," Gajeel answered, "she's just concerned that we'll lose them."

"And what about you?"

"I have faith," Gajeel rubbed Levy's thigh, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost the baby, but I know that worrying about it will only make us more stressful. I'm certain that this baby's going to be just fine."

Levy still looked troubled.

"Levy," Mirajane leaned closer over the counter, "during this time, your hormones are out of control," Levy rolled her eyes, "I'm serious," Mira said, "of course you're a lot more stressful and paranoia is just part of it. Your baby is going to be just fine and so are you. Don't worry about a thing. I bet you guys are excellent breeders."

"Okay, you just turned an excellently reassuring sentiment into something a whole lot weirder." Levy said.

"Anyway," Mira said, "if it bothers you that much you can go to the hospital and have them check it out. But if you want any sentiments from me, Id say your baby will be just fine. You're healthy, so your kid will be, too. And if I know anything about Porlyusica, it's that she's never failed in delivering a baby, not one defect."

This lifted some of Levy's doubts.

"I guess I am overthinking things." she said.

"Actually, Evergreen had doubts just like yours just before she had hers. And look where she is now."

Mira gestured to Evergreen, who was playing peek-a-boo with Ella, who sat in her baby stool with a bowl of mashed carrots in front of her, giggling.

Elfman had his hand in Evergreen's shoulder, smiling as he watched his daughter laugh and cheer.

"Thanks Mira." Levy smiled, "I don't have time to think about things like that anyway. Tonight's Juvia and Gray's rehearsal dinner, and Lucy and I are going to get dresses."


"What a long day," Levy sighed as she pulled back the bed covers of her and Gajeel's currently dimly lit room, "that rehearsal dinner was nice though, huh?"

"Yeah," Gajeel nodded, pulling back the sheets on the other side of the bed, "the wedding's only a few days away."

He slid into the bed, resting his head on the pillow.

Levy crawled in next to him, snuggling up close, "Everything's coming up so fast."

"Our baby will be here any day now." Gajeel said.

Levy nodded.

"Are you still concerned?" he asked.

"Not really." Levy smiled, "This baby's coming out, and they'll stay."

"I'm glad you feel better," Gajeel flicked a strand of blue hair behind her ear, "because I don't like seeing you worried."

"I don't like feeling worried," Levy said, "but it's all good now, I'm actually feeling pretty confident."

"Good." Gajeel planted his lips against hers.

( this was kind of a short part but I wanted something to just resolve.)

We Live a Perfect Life-Gajeel x LevyWhere stories live. Discover now