-Chapter Sixteen- Merhedith

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Chapter 16...Enjoy!

After the meeting, we had come up with a solid plan. The map and lunar charts gave me enough information in regards to time and date, but there was no guarantee it was accurate. We could only assume that the cart would take three days to arrive in Kahn, and pass us at the two day mark. If the cart was running early or late, we would miss the perfect chance. Any mess up would lose us a mage.

To solve this, we decided to approach this mission like a stakeout. Usually, a crew and I would go to our designated attack spot and jump the cart there. For this so-called "magic goods" cart, we would find the closest spot on the map's route, wait for the three days, and attack when it's in sight. That's why I was currently busy packing everything I needed for a three day trip in the forest.

My empty pack sat open on my bed. Our meeting let out and there was so much that needed to be prepared. The first thing I needed to do was get packed personally, then organize everything for the crew we would be taking, then finally, make it out of the safe city before nightfall. It was currently sometime in the afternoon, so I only had a handful of hours to throw everything together. Jarad told me he would select a team for me and alert them of the news, which took a bit of weight off my shoulders. It was going to be a mess of a day, and I was convinced that it was only going to get more hectic.

A tossed two pairs of socks into the bag along with a spare long sleeved shirt. I folded a few pieces of parchment and tucked them towards the bottom, then placed an inkwell and quill inside the bag, too. I rolled up a cloak and topped off the pack with it. I didn't need much, but I was sure that Jarad would look it over later and list off at least five things I was forgetting. For now, I just flipped the bag shut and sat next to it on the bed.

I could feel my nerves fraying with anticipation. Waiting was always the worst part of any plan. With hijackings, they were usually reported very quickly and handled just as fast. For something like this, I had to sit still and hold on until the time came to leave, then wait even more for the actual target to arrive. My stomach already had that uncomfortable tickle that prompted the anxious feelings. It was only going to get worse throughout the day, so hopefully the other tasks took my mind off things.

Among the nervousness was a definable excitement. Who were we going to get? There were so many people who had been taken since the disappearances had started. Of course, Jarad's wife and Karter were our two main goals. They were so close to both of us that the hope would be to retrieve one or both of them. Anyone else would be equally as wonderful. A secret hope popped up in my river of thoughts. What about my parents? They had been gone for...years. So many years that I could barely remember their faces anymore. My father was pretty blurry, but Jarad told me that he had a scar right above his left eyebrow from slipping on a wet rock when he was a teenager. I knew that my Mother had a head of dark hair, like me, except every strand was curly. She also had a crazy amount of freckles. She was so powerful, but what I remembered about her abilities were oddly small. She hadn't used her power often enough that I would even remember the details. Jarad could barely describe it to me because of her secrecy regarding the subject.

There was a pattern tapped onto my door and I called out, "Come in!"

The door scraped against the floor and there stood Melrose. In his hand he held a plate of food and a cup of something in the other hand. He appeared to be in a good mood, with his tail flicking about behind him and his ears twitching. As soon as he stepped foot over the threshold, though, his face twisted in pain and he stumbled. I immediately rushed over to him. He placed the plate and cup down and braced himself against my desk. His ears were flattened against his dusty-brown hair and his eyebrows were scrunched.

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