Chapter Five

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Raphs awoke before Casey the next morning, he was sure that Casey was still tired from the previous night so he decided to head downstairs for food by himself.

When he entered the kitchen his eyes landed on a stranger. She had short brown hair with bright green eyes, she wore a short cropped top with a big green jacket and long jeans. Her sleeves were rolled up and her hair was pushed behind her ears.

The girl turned to face Raph. "Oh uh hello..?" She spoke softly with a giggle. Her voice sounded angelic but it also had a hint of fear which was hidden behind her soft smile.

Raph frowned, "who the heck are you?!" He growled. "And what are you doing here?" Raph started to slowly step towards the girl.

As he stepped closer the young teen stepped back until she hit the counter. Raph's body came really close to the girl as his face turned angrier. "Don't make me repeat myself girly. Or I swear I will-."

Raph was cut off. Mikey had pushed him away from the small teen. "What the heck dude! Chill out!" Mikey yelled putting his arms up protecting the being behind him.

Raoh growled, "What the heck Mike! Who is she?!" He yelled.

Mikey sighed and stepped out of the way, he gestured his hand towards the girl. "This is Y/N, she's April's cousin." Mikey the gestured his hand towards Raph "Y/N this is Raph, he's the second eldest of the four of us."

She gestured her body towards Mikey giving Raph a small wave along with that angelic smile. Mikey stared at her soft face lovingly as she apologised for startling his older brother. "Hi, I'm so sorry if I startled you or.."

"It's fine," Raph replied. He'd notice Mikey's gaze upon the small girl and decided to not make a big deal out of it. After all this was the first time Mikey had looked at a girl like this before. He seemed happy, and if he was happy so was Raph.

Raph re-entered his room to find Casey leaning his body over the hammock. He wasn't wearing a shirt but he was pretty sure that he had boxers on. Raph smirked and blew air out of his nose as he got closer to Casey. "Ya right tough guy?"

Casey's face left his hands as it made its way in Raph's direction. "I'm fine dumbass." He blurted out bluntly. Casey looked away from Raph and hissed slightly in agony.

"What? Can't handle me?" Raph laughed. Casey snapped his head back at Raph. His face showed anger. But as he started to talk it slowly turned into sadness. "Shut the fuck..up."

Raph bit his lip harshly, fuck Raph your an idiot. "Case...?" Raph didn't need to ask what was wrong as he clearly knew what it was. Casey had technically just lost his virginity to a boy, as they're first time didn't really count. A turtle boy mutant, who was twice his height and three times his weight. He was bound to be sore, and upset. Not that he didn't want to lose it he'd just not expected it to hurt this bad.

Raph turned round and headed out the door quickly slamming it slightly behind him, leaving Casey all alone in his room. Casey had sat still in the hammock for a while, he'd eventually gotten the courage to move his limp body and force it to stand. His legs wobbled and ached as he held on for dear life onto the edge of Raph's hammock.

Raph entered the room once more, he found Casey wobbling and hissing in pain. "Case...just stop it will ya." Casey froze. He looked up at Raph. "Stop what? The pain of the wobbling?" Raph smirked and stepped closer. "Both."

He picked Casey up. Earning a low growl from him before making his way to the bathroom. As they entered, Raph placed Casey down gently and shut the door. Casey was still handing onto Raph until he heard the click of the nob. Casey's head turned slowly, his eyes widened at the sight of the room in front of him. The bath was filled; it had steamy warm water and small candles on the side of the bath, along with some oils next to the tap.

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