Error asks blue for help

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Error has been texting blue, asking him to look around without being suspicious.

He had asked him to look around and see if they had killer on them.

And blue responded he would look around and try to find killer.

It's been hours since then and blue hasn't messaged him back, which had him a bit worried that someone found out about blue...

It was a few days later after that, blue finally messaged him saying he couldn't find killer at all, not even in secret passageways or anywhere else in the base.

Which made him a bit confused and worried. If killer isn't there...then..who has killer? Or...if killer was even alive in the first place now...he lets out a sighs and starts doing a multiverse scan, trying to find killers codes.

...he couldn't find them...which meant a few things, one, he was dead, two, someone was shielding his codes from the multiverse, three, ...he wasn't in this multiverse anymore..., four, ...he was in the void... that was all he knew... he will have to alert the others in the meeting today..he thought..

But first off, he needed to destroy a few corrupted aus before he heads to nightmares castle.

He thought and headed out, starting to destroy some certain aus copies.

~no ones POV~

It was going to plan..they thought..feeling pretty relieved, nightmares gang will find killer after a few months after they make a truce with inks gang.

They thought delighted, they were still dealing with fate right now, so that's why they won't  find killer until a few months after the truce...

Unknown to the being, they find killer earlier then expected from what they had been thinking, it still ended up in their favor after they take fate down but there was a few close calls of killer almost dying if he wasn't with someone.

Done with 332 words,   I'm sorry it's so short but I couldn't do anything else with this chapter.

I will appreciate it if you give me some ideas please.

Ja ne~!

Amv killer sans

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