Sex games~

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After kenma was clean and he cleaned his master he was sent back to his room feeling a sense of achievement. Firstly, he had finally learned how to give a proper blowjob and second, he had finally finished pleasuring his master meaning he could get some well deserved rest!

The next morning brought to u by Bokutos fine ass~~

Kenma woke up after having his first night sleep in a proper bed. He felt refreshed and satisfied with the amount of sleep he got he felt privacy in his room, something he had never been given the privilege of before... privacy was something he had never been given and it made him feel more self secure. He was happy.

But he would soon find that a thing such as privacy is something he would only have in his bedroom...

Just as he had finished getting dressed in some  casual clothes he heard footsteps approach his door he looked over as kuroo walked in to his room. "Good morning master! Did you sleep well!?" He asked. Kuroo nodded. "Will you come down stairs a second kitten?" Kenma knew he wasn't in any sort of trouble just by the tone in his voice and the way he called him kitten so he wasn't afraid. "Yes of course master I'll come down right away!" He followed the taller man down the stairs and into the sitting room where everyone else was.

But it wasn't the kind of atmosphere he was expecting... it was very... different.

Sir Tsukishima was sitting in a small armchair topless and had a small green haired boy riding on his lap who was only waring boxers! Sir Bokuto and Akaashi however, were a lot worse. Sir Bokuto was But. Ass. Naked! And was balls deep inside sir Akaashi who looked like he was about to cum any second. None of them acknowledged my presence and kuroo didn't seem to find this at all unsettling so I said nothing but the look on my face did all the talking for me.

Master kuroo turned to me seeing I was uncomfortable "Pay them no mind kitten~ they do this stuff every day so please try to normalise it." I looked at him blushing "t-then what did you W-want from me master..?" He looked at me and smirked "when these horny bastards are finished fucking I wanna play some games~" To be honest playing games sounded ok but the way he said it made me feel anxious. "What kind of games do you want to play master?" I asked curious. He smirked at me slyly. "How about all of us play a few sex games~"

Kitten~ (a kuroken story- smut/angst)Where stories live. Discover now