Chapter 1 to own an omega

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Tony Stark and Harley stark were 2 of the most feared and also respected alphas of the world. A lot was because the father and son duo were 2 of the smartest people in the country and they were also dirty rich but also as their positions on the avengers as iron man and iron lad. if it weren't for them a lot of people, good people would be dead. While Ironman was there since the beginning Harley had joined to help the fight in the fight against Ultron at the ripe age of 16 and was considered by many as superior to his father though he would always deny it. His mother was the family omega. A beautiful woman who had long gold locks that went down to her hips and ocean blue eyes that Harley would inherit his dad had said she was the most perfect omega he had ever met always greeting him after work with an amazing home-cooked meal and kept the house spotless. She also loved him and he back. Harley owned photos of his mother as she died in childbirth. There were problems at birth and the omega had asked to save her baby.

Harley was now 21 now. It was his birthday and his party was already in full swing, people from his college and conferences and even a princess filled the penthouse party room as you know it was Tony Stark's house. He had a beer in one hand and a beta boy in the other and already very much tipsy.

"Did you *hiccup* that I once met the president. No sc *hiccup* scratch that. I once saved the president *hiccup." Harley spluttered through his drunken haze. The Beta in his arms laughed and nodded like he wasn't off his head as well. "Yep, I remember you talking about it at lunch *hiccup*."

"That was a fun day. I got to *hiccup* blow up so much C4 that *hiccup* day." he was in a daze as he stared across the room. "You are such *hiccup* A good friend ned." this made his friend, Ned laugh again.

"Harley you're drunk." said the monotone Alpha voice of Harley's other friend MJ.

"wwwwhat- no iii'mmmmm nottt." Harley slurred and giggled

MJ facepalmed and muttered "you are going to have such a bad headache and I'm going to have to look after you big baby." under her breath

"Dad said *hiccup* I was gonna get a *hiccup* omega tomorrow." the blond said seemingly out of nowhere. Ned seemed to sober in a matter of seconds. "Wait what."

"I'm gonna get an omega." proudness in his voice.

Omegas were expensive. Right, you don't know anything about them in this book. Omegas when born where normally if not all were sold to the omega sanctuary and brought up to be the perfect omega for the alpha they are given to. They were seen as pets almost, things to take care of and hug cuddles, a lot like dogs except they can talk to you and also give you human pups. The starting coast could depend though on which sanctuary you bought them from but to keep them healthy it was a running coast. 3 meals a day which they made themself 30 minutes of your time at the very least a day to keep the bond strong and allow them to do something self-fulfilling like giving them puzzles or legos. They are a bit like children. Harley had wanted an omega ever since his dad had suggested the idea but you have to be 21 to have one and now he was finally ready.

"Don't you find it horrible that humans are sold as pets? Its modern-day slave trade with how we treat then." MJ gave Harley a revolted look. She had been as activism for omegas for a long time but she often got nowhere in the situation omegas were often seen as happy little creatures that felt happy being owned by Alphas

"Yes but they are also not going to stop selling them and might as well give one to a good home." the blond argued back. It was true they weren't going to stop selling them anytime soon. People got too much money off the business.

"Just- Just don't pick the first one they give you. Maybe try and get one of the older ones that need a home ok?" Harley nodded and got out his phone. "I'll put it in my notes on my phone."

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