Chapter 7 into the thicket

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The room was crowded full of omegas as they navigated the thicket of alphas that lay on the floor all their ears bleeding. Peter moved among them blending in as the omegas moved and the betas stood there in a slight daze as the sound affected them but not half as bad as the alphas. Peter was blending quite well but then he actually got a visual on the alphas in the room. They were dressed in black and large jackets, large crests on their shoulders, a skull with octopus legs coming out- HYDRA and they were checking each omega's face before they were forced onto a truck for doors on the other side of the room. Peter didn't have to figure out who they were looking for if they had got access to the medical files. He slowly stopped moving from the group and moved to the edge.

He needed a plan. He studied the room for a second watching as everything passed by. He needs to slow down the omegas. It was all happening too fast. He spotted the person who had let out the sound and rendered most of the alphas useless and slyly moved across the room to the man. He was in a corner relaxed. I mean what damage could an omega do? A lot, but it depended on the omega. Before the alpha could even react he knocked him out and dragged him to a room not too far away from where was posted. He took off the man's jacket and hat he was sporting and threw it over his clothes knowing it wouldn't do much but maybe would bide him some time. He opened the door a crack and scanned it. Coast was still clear. He moved to the speaker and moved it to another frequency on one but keeping the other the same so there would be two tones. He put the volume up on each side and pressed play.

This was going to hurt not as badly as two speakers blasting the same thing so hopefully, Harley was ok.

The sound sent all the alphas and the omegas to the floor as they removed their protective great to control the omegas. Peters hearing was muffled after the damage leaving him the only one standing but in a lot of pain.

"It's him!!" an alpha screamed over the noise. Some of the alphas had grabbed their protective gear and were now holding a gun to him. "Get over here omega." His omega trampled but Peter stood tall and defiant.

"No." he crossed his arms and stared down the alpha.

"Only use stun, the boss wants him alive." another alpha barked after getting his headphones on his ears. The group was slowly curling the omega as they got closer to him. Peter swallows as he sized them up, seeing how many he could take before he would be taken down.

"How about you don't shoot him at all!" a new but oh so familiar voice shouted. Harley was now in the room his iron lad suit on after having his nanobot suit under the white crisp shirt. All eyes stuck to him like glue with a new sense of fear. There didn't mean to be any alphas left, especially the alpha that was mated to the omega they needed. This was Peter's moment to disappear like all those times at the omega centre where he was in plain sight but no one seemed to bother to look up. Peter jumped high into the rafters of the estate ballroom. Even Harley didn't even seem to notice his disappearance but that all came to a stop when one of the alphas had managed to get the damn sound off.

"Where did he go?" the guy he recognized as the one who referred to the boss. He was going to call bossy. "What did you do. Is this one of your high tech things because of it? I hope you know that you can stop us. We will do everything we can to get that omega." Harley powered up his blaster with the new and improved fuel and growled.

"Sorry man but I've already made a claim he's mine and so are all these omegas back off!" he yelled, aiming this time at bossy. Peter swallowed looking at some of the guns they had brought with them he looked to the door seeing to alphas still dragging omegas into the van. He needed to stop that first while they were distracted. He moved across the rafters until he was on top of the men and dropped down and punched them both on the head and caught them before backing out to the vans where a lot of the omegas were still there. They were all staring emptily and Peter's heart broke. So many of his friends had been brought to this, empty shells of themself. I guess that's what would happen if you gave a human 250 volts straight to the brain he thought bitterly. They had started to do this after alphas running the business started to see better results to mentally damaged omegas who couldn't talk properly or not at all. They started the electroshock therapy and sold them at a premium again and market shoots up and they started to do it to all of them. It was horrible and barbaric the alphas would be interested in these creatures they have become. There was no way of getting their mind back.

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