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I didn't get much sleep last night. Too many events occurred in such a small timeframe, and due to that my brain has been scrambled.

Losing my father does hurt, however, he was already gone in the first place. He was never himself, always drunk and away at bars.

Corbin is taking it way harder than me, because he's still a kid, and had hope that our dad would become his old self again.

So, seeing Corbin crying and heartbroken, it also takes a toll on me.

But, today's a new day and I have duties to tend to. I have to watch over the cadets  with Levi while they spar, and give tips and feedback.

I'm not looking forward to see Levi after our argument last night. He and I bicker every time we're in the same place, but, that was the first time he's actually laid a hand on me.

He doesn't frighten me, but I was stunned in the moment and couldn't do anything, because of his strength.

Glancing over at the clock that rested on my nightstand, I decided to get up and get ready since it read six am. I had to be there at seven.

I rolled out of my bed, gathered my uniform, and a towel before taking a quick shower.

After I got out and changed, I pulled my blonde hair up into a high ponytail and let the front strands of my hair stay down.

I decided to check on Corbin before leaving, so I made my way through my home and stopped once I got to his door. I knocked once and then cracked it open, peaking my head in too see what he was doing.

He was crouched down, putting on his shoes, snapping his head over his shoulder to look at me as he put on a small smile.

"Good morning, sis." He said lowly.

From the sound of his voice alone, you could tell he was distraught.

"Morning. How are you doing? Do you need anything?"

He shook his head and stood up. "No, thanks though. And I'm doing alright."

I knew he wasn't, but I assumed he didn't want to think about our dad right now. He would talk to me when he wanted too, that's a fact.

"Okay, not sure when I'll be home, so don't worry about dinner for me."

"Okay, have a good day."

"Same to you."


As I approached Levi on the training grounds a weird churning formed in my stomach, and I'm not sure what it meant.

He had on the usual straight face, eyebrows furrowed with his lips curved slightly downwards, not even batting an eye when he saw me walking up to him.

If he was willing to ignore the events of last night, so was I. I'm sure we will find something new to fight about, but, pretending that one never happened was what I wanted to do.

Because thinking about it made my stomach churn, and made me feel something I couldn't put my finger on, and that bothered me. Was it actually a tiny hint of fear? No, that can't be it. Levi never scares me, even when he does get physically violent.

"Look who's actually on time." He teased as I stood next to him.

"Look who's still instigating."

"I had reason to believe you were not going to show up this morning."

I looked at him with a confused expression, just what was he talking about? Did he really think putting his hands on me was going to keep me away from my job?

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