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     "So, you've been training that new girl. What was her name again?" Corrina asked with fake confusion, still left irritated with how she treated a Captain.

Levi met her eyes with a glum, bothered glare. "That's what was so important? To ask me about the new captain recruit?"

She bit the inside of her cheek as nerves built up once again inside her stomach. That defiantly was not the reason- it was to confess her newly found feelings for Levi.

Of course, she was having second thoughts. A lot of them screaming at her to change the subject or to lie and say she has to go somewhere.

At this point in their relationship, it's blatantly one sided. Corrina doesn't have to be told that; she already knows that Levi hates the person she is. Corrina made the choice to be his friend knowing he did not reciprocate. She unknowingly grew romantic feels towards him, and here she is; about to confess when he doesn't even portray her as a friend.

That's when it dawned on her; Levi will reject her instantly. She can picture it now, the face of disgust contorting on his face as he spits out how pathetic and unbelievable that statement is. She can feel the churning nauseating knots of sadness inside of her. She can feel how deep her heart drops as a heavy feeling washes over her.

And she can't bring herself to say anything about the topic anymore. As confident as she could be just a couple minutes earlier, she was now a full blown coward due to assuming the rather realistic outcome.

But it wounded her. Ultimately she blames herself for somehow falling for Levi, even when he doesn't resist her kisses; she just has a gut feeling he isn't used to affection; and takes what he gets to distract himself from whatever stress is scrambling his mind.

Corrina convinced herself that Levi would not pull away, because the feeling of someone kissing him so intimately causes a arousing distraction inside of his brain— taking full control in those occasions.

That's why he pretends those moments never happened. He got a break from feeling something other than affection for once in his busy, exhausting life.

Once it's over- it never happened.

Corrina began to have a heavy feeling of disappointment and disparity to rain down against her.


Levi's stern tone snapped her away from the draining thoughts, while she glanced up at Levi not knowing what to say.

He could sense her changed demeanor. Before Mia left she seemed cocky and arrogant towards her, and now that it's just the two of them, she's quiet and reserved. Like a switch had been flicked in her.

Levi assumed she had come to address the loss they shared; and he didn't want to admit to himself, but for some unknown reason he was dreading it. No part of him wanted to discuss the reasoning behind why he would kiss back anytime she made the first move.

Simply because he didn't know within himself. He saw her leaning in, he knew what was going to happen, and he didn't do anything to stop it.

It's constantly in the moment type occurrences; so he disclosed it at that. None of the intimate times they shared meant a single thing to him, they just happened.

At least, that's what he keeps telling himself. This is a very confusing topic to think about, so he easily does paperwork or is with Mia to stray his brain from pondering about it.

As Levi stares deep within Corrina's sky- blue eyes, all he can read and feel is how distraught she perceives.

The tension could be cut so utterly smoothly with a knife.

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