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there will be some differences in the story then the canon episodes. So if something doesn't seem right, or if the timeline doesn't add up to the canon one, ITS INTENDED !:)

      "How long does it take to braid hair?" Corbin complained, growing rather impatient.

Corrina scoffed. "I just learned how! Sasha taught me..." her voice trailed off lowly.

Corbin sighed. "Well, hurry up, sis. I have shit to do."

One thing Corrina noticed right away since she's reunited with her brother, is that his personality has changed drastically.

He's not that sweet, innocent fifteen year old anymore. Instead, he can get annoyed or angry from the smallest incident. He almost never smiles, or even laughs these days.

Overall, Corrina doesn't recognize her brother. It's like being around Eren for a while had shifted his personality for the worse, and it maddened Corrina.

Her steady fingers crossed the last piece of his blonde hair and she secured the end with a rubber band, stepping back to check her work. The braid ended up looking great.

Thanks, Sash.

Corrina took a step back. "Alright, I'm done."

He said a thank you and stood up from the chair he was previously sitting in, and turned to face his sister.

"When do you leave?" Corbin asked.

"Levi should be here to get me shortly. Oh! Almost forgot, we decided that you're coming with us."

Corbin's face visibly fell, a guilty expression crossing his features. Corrina gave him a quizzical look, and he cleared his throat.

"I can't go with you guys to the Forrest." He explained anxiously. "I... I have other jobs to do here."

Corrina began to think, as she had grown confused from her brothers explanation. What was he talking about? Other jobs? She doesn't remember ordering Corbin to do anything recently... So what was he going on about?

"Okay, I don't understand. Did Levi give you orders I don't know about?" She pried even further.

He huffed out a breath, trying his best not to tell his sister that he had officially become a Yeagerist. Spending lots of time with Eren had him switch to his side completely.

"Just... someone should stay here and look after the place. The house, Levi's office, and I could also check on the other scouts. You guys can take care of business together."

"No. Things are starting to become messy, especially after we just got back from pretty much destroying a good part of Marley." Corrina assumed the conversation was over, but suddenly Corbin lashed out.

"You can't tell me what to do. I'm nineteen now! And I'm staying here!" He yelled.

Corrina was shocked, but ultimately wasn't going to take his shit. "Have you forgotten you're a scout and I'm your captain? I have every right to order you around, Corbin."

"You know what, Corrina? You act exactly like Levi! Constantly telling me what to do, making me stick with you every single battle like I'm some helpless five year old, always having something negative to say to me.... You just... changed so much, and I hate it!"

She wondered where things went wrong for them. When did Corbin start feeling this type of aversion towards her? Had he thought this way since he was a kid? Why was he spouting such rude remarks to her after everything she's done to keep him safe? None of it made sense. This wasn't Corbin, no.

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