When I got back to my room Lauren was sitting up and staring at her arms. I sat next to her and she pulled her sleeves down. I handed her a water bottle and she took it.
"The water bottles are still cold so if your eye hurts you can put this on it."
She gently placed it over her eye and winced at its coldness. "Thanks Camz. For coming to my rescue." Lauren said.
"No problem. I'll always help you out." I told her.
I leaned over and picked up the Chapstick on my desk. I tilted her face up to look me in the eyes. "This will help your lip" I whispered. We were centimeters away from each other so I leaned in. I wasn't thinking at all. I gently pressed my lips to hers. I was so scared because she wasn't kissing back. But then I felt her lips moving with mine.
When my mind actually started to work again, I immediately pulled back.
"I-I'm sorry, I dint know why I did that." I quickly stuttered.
She out her left hand in my shoulder and pulled me into her lips again. I was kissing her! She was kissing me! I couldn't believe it. It felt like a thousand bolts of electricity were going through my body when our lips met.
We bulled away to breath and I could feel my lips tingling. It was like I could still feel her lips on mine.
"Lauren I-" I was cut off. Lauren grabbed my arm and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Camz, can you please help me to the bathroom. Now." She quickly said.
"Okay, okay." I said, rushing to my feet. I scooped her bridal style into my arms and ran across the hall to the bathroom. "Where?" I asked her.
"By the toilet please." She mumbled. I put her on the floor, next to the toilet.
She pulled herself to her knees, wincing, and threw up into the toilet. I rushed to her side and and held her hair behind her so she didn't throw up on herself. I rubbed her back as she violently shook. She tried to stand up but almost fell over. I held my arm around her waist and we walked over to the sink. She rinsed out her mouth and we walked to my room.
"Why don't we rest for now. We could watch T.V or I have a bunch of books or um-" I was glad when she cut me off because I had no idea what else we could have done.
"Can I sleep?" She asked. "Of course." I turned the light off and helped her get comfortable.
I got comfortable next to her but I was sitting and she was lying down. I lulled out my pack of cigarettes and pulled one out. I held it between my lips and picked up my lighter. I flicked the lighter and watched the flame flicker around. I brought it closer to the cigarette but Lauren's hand was on my wrist right before I got the chance to light it.
"Camz?" I looked down to her. "Last week my mom told me she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. She used to smoke....well she still does smoke a pack a day. She's probably gonna die soon. Please, do you think you could try to quit? For me?" She quietly begged. She had tears pooling in her eyes. I put the cigarette back in the box and put the box and lighter on my desk, next to my bed.
I turned to her and smiled. I wanted to stop. I had for a long time. I didn't want to get cancer and I definitely didn't want to die. I just kissed Lauren for God's sake! Maybe she'd become my girlfriend, then my wife, then we'd have kids together and- Woah Camila, slow down. You're getting way ahead of yourself.
"Okay, I'll try. We'll both try to stop. I'll stop smoking of you stop cutting." I tried to make an offer. She gulped. "Um, alright. I'll try." She whispered. I laid down next to her and she snuggled into me.
I gently hugged her, being careful not to hurt her.
"We're not going to school tomorrow." I whispered.
"Why?" She asked.
"You need to rest." I told her.
When I felt her body relax in my arms, I knew she was asleep. I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. I slowly drifted off to sleep listening to the muffled music and the soft snores coming from Lauren, the beauty with the hypnotizing green eyes in my arms.

I Think I Love You (camren)
FanfictionSchool starts up again and Camila, Dinah, Ally, and Normani are four best friends. They meet a new girl Lauren Jauregui and Camila really thinks she's cute. But she finds out about Lauren's past and her life at home. Camila wants to get closer to La...