An awful night

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The marauders are all talking and laughing in the boys sleeping quarters. It's about 1 am. "Where am I gonna sleep guys" Aubrey says from were she's sitting on the window sill. "Sleep in Padfoots bed with him you both would fit" James says again smirking at Remus. "If it's okay with you Padfoot then sure" she says looking at Sirius. He smiles huge. "Of course you can just don't steal all the blankets" he says with a laugh. She smiles. "When is the next full moon, moony" Aubrey says looking at Remus. "The day after tomorrow" Remus says sadly. "Don't worry Remus we're here" she says smiling at him. Remus nods and smiles. At about 2 am the boys and Aubrey go to bed. James and Remus are asleep peacefully in there beds. Sirius covers him and Aubrey with the blanket then falls asleep. She is asleep soon after.
(Sirius POV)
I'm back home and everything seems normal. I walk into the kitchen and see my mother and she looks angry as always. YOU WORTHLESS CHILD HOW DARE YOU MAKE IT INTO GRYFFINDOR AND NOT SLYTHERIN!" My mother screams. She then takes her wand. "CRUCIO" she screams as the spell flys out. A fall on the ground screaming as loud as I can but the pain doesn't stop. It's the worst pain anymore can feel. I'm crying and shaking on the floor of the kitchen. "HELP" I scream but no one can here me. The pain continues for another 30 minutes. Then I hear a soft voice say "Sirius wake up"
(Normal POV)
Sirius wakes up and he's crying. Aubrey is very concerned. "Sirius its okay, I'm here" she says moving the hair from his face. She is laying close to him. Sirius just hugs her tightly and continues crying. Sirius is absolutely terrified.
"Your okay I'm here" she says a few small tears falling from her eyes to as she try's to calm him. "Sirius I know you had a nightmare will you tell me about it, you don't have to I understand if you don't want to but sometimes talking about it helps" she says in a calming voice still holding on the him. He try's to calm down. "My.....m....mother...used the....crucio...curse" Sirius says before crying into her again. She knew about his awful mother. "Oh my I'm so sorry Sirius" she says so scared for him. "I will always be here for you Sirius no matter what just remember that" she says as a few more tears fall down her face. They are cuddled together tightly. "Sirius do you think you could try going back to sleep or no" she says looking into his watery eyes. He just shakes his head no. "Alright well I think you should try okay I'll stay up with you, you don't have to go through this alone" she says in a calming voice. He nods and hugs her again. She has him let go of her so she can recover them with the blanket. Then he's back to hugging her. After about an 2 hours there both back asleep. There now cuddled tightly together.

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