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I hop in the drivers seat and look over to Joba.

"You really don't have to come if you don't want to you know."

"I know, but I want to come really. I wouldn't have if I didn't want to." He smiles. She looks at his outfit, not because my family would care what he wears, but because she wanted to gauge what he would wear to a family gathering. He was wearing a pair of green overalls with a blue and white striped polo shirt underneath. He wore his usual gold chain and a pair of white Air Force ones. I had to admit he looked good. 

"I like your overalls." I say giggling a little.

"Thanks, I wore a pair like this for a photoshoot we did as a band and I really liked them so I found some and bought them."

"I actually think I saw that picture."

"Ah, so you're a fan now."

"I never said that Russel." We were both smiling. I sat there, stalling because I was nervous for my family to meet him. 

"Are we going to go? I don't know if you have to be like on time or something but I thi-"

"Do you really want to go?"

"Carmen. If you don't start driving ill ask Daniel for the address and drive there myself."

I sigh and start the car. It would be fine. I just need to relax a little. After a long drive filled with Jobas singing and my uncertainty, we finally arrived. I turn off the car and turn to look at him.

"So my family can be a lot sometimes. Just to warn you. They are like party people."

"Trust me, I can handle a party. Did you forget I'm in a band." He smiles and grabs my hand. "It will be fine Carmen, relax."

I smile back and get out of my car just as Joba does. I lead him to the door, swiftly pushing it open. I hear the loud music playing in the backyard, the usual party area.

"Carmen!" I smile as my aunt walks over to me with a shot. "We were all about to take shots, lets go." 

She puts her arm around me and begins to walk away. After seconds, she turns back around to face Joba.

"Who are you?" He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"This is Joba, my friend."

"Joba? That's an." She pauses, trying to find the right words. "Interesting name."

He clears his throat before he speaks. "Yeah, my actual name is Russel though." He smiles, which in turn makes my aunt smile. 

"Great, come with us. We're taking shots!" She grabs his hand and drags him outside with the rest of the family. I am left to trail behind them. As I walk outside, everyone gets up to greet me. 

"Guys, this is Joba Russel, Carmen's friend."

Everyone gets louder as they begin hugging both me and Joba. I look at him and smile. He has a really big smile on his face as he meets everyone. He seems to be having fun already. I finally reach my dad who hugs me tightly. After the hug, he pulls me aside to talk.

"So is he your boyfriend or something?"

"No we're just friends."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Where'd you meet him?"

"See, this is a funny story." I look at him and he doesn't seem amused. "So I went to a concert this one night and -"

"Don't tell me you met this guy at a concert. There's like a shitload of crazy ass people at concerts. You never know nowadays."

"Well, I did meet him at a concert but he was like-"

"Don't say different. That's just weird."

"No, he was performing. Like in the band. Like he's in a band that millions of people listen to." I say, frustrated with the amount of times my dad interrupted me. 

"Did I hear that new guy in that big, green, weird looking jumpsuit is in a band?" My uncle says as he walks over.

"I didn't want anyone to know. I wanted Russel to tell everyone if he wanted to. Don't say anything guys." They both nod. 

My dad chuckles. "He seems fun. I've never met someone who would wear a big ass, green jumpsuit somewhere."

I sigh, laughing as I let my breath out. I feel like its only right if Joba has the option to tell my family that he's in a band. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to know. I want to leave that to him.


We all stand in a circle around the table, shot glasses in hand. I look for Joba who is standing with my other aunt, who has her arm around him. I chuckle as I look around the circle. Joba is much taller than any of us. 

"Here's to Carmen, who never visits anymore and her friend Joba Rusell!" Just like that, the drinking begins. 

As the party progresses, everyone just gets drunker and drunker. I haven't even got the opportunity to talk to Joba since we got here. He's been talking to my family and playing with my younger cousins in the grass. 

"He's nice." I look over to see my cousin Alex sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, I would like to think so. I've never seen him around family or anything yet so it's nice to know he acts like this." I motion over to Joba who is running in the grass with my 2 year old cousin Charlie. She laughs at him as he lets her win the race, pretending to be tired after every lap they run together. 

"Well, I'm glad you're happy Carmen, I really am." We sit there in silence until his phone beeps. "Oh, Hunter is finally here."

He gets up to meet her outside. I get up to meet with Joba. As I walk over, Charlie screams my name and jumps up into my arms. I look at her and smile, my favorite little girl.

"How's it going?"

"Great! Your family is so nice and fun. I think they like me."

"Trust me, they do. We are about to eat though if you want to sit with me."

I adjust Charlie in my arm so I can grab Joba's hand. I lead him to the table where we put down both of our phones, saving our seats next to my aunt. Just as I put down Charlie, Hunter walks outside.

"Hey guys!" Everyone runs over to greet her, me trailing behind with Joba. She eventually gets to us and just looks at him, completely disregarding me.

"Who's this?"


Okay so firstly thank you for reading, I have been working on writing my Harry Potter book. I have 17 chapters written so far but im really nervous to post it. I keep going over the chapters over and over again. I also keep changing little things here and there. I might post the first chapter soon though! Its called Constellations and it is, of course, a Fred Weasley fanfiction. Ill try to work on both books at the same time, but I do have a lot done for Constellations so far. Thank you again guys! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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