Part 4 (Finale)

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The two men stares at the white envelop in front of them. Keito throws a long sigh as he leans his back against his chair, disbelieved with the story Yabu just told him.

"Must have been very difficult for you."

"It was torture."

Now Keito understands what Yabu meant by suffocating. He can't even bring himself to imagine what the turmoil the man went through especially for the past 4 days.

"Are you going to take his offer?"

"I don't know," Yabu rests his chin on his hands. This offer is too good to be true. Nevertheless, it is still possible especially when the one arranging it is an influential person like Takaki.

But Yabu knows, Takaki's real intention is to get him out of his way.

Is this the right thing to do? Does accepting this offer makes me weak?

But... I'll get to see Kei again.

"I won't stop you."

Yabu is rather shocked by Keito's words. "How about the company?"

"Business come and goes. I'll figure something out. Whatever your decision is, I will not stand in your way."

"If there's anything left of me, it's my loyalty. I won't forget everything you've done for me Okamoto-san."

"Don't let them hold you back. I know what's really sitting in your heart."


"Just please, make sure that you did it for yourself. Choose what YOU want to do. It's time to take control of your life, so that you won't have any regret- like you did with your girl."

"What you want to do with your life is up to you Yabu-kun. Don't let anyone says otherwise."


"What makes you think I'll agree to it?"

"I know you'll do anything to keep me out of your way. Or are you afraid that Kei might have the change of heart?"

"She loves me. She's marrying me."

"Then allow us to meet. Only then I'll accept your deal."

Takaki swirls his wine glass and later takes a sip. This insecurity that haunts him is tormenting his heart and mind. His worries heightened with every second that passed, afraid that he may not see Kei again.

His thought is interrupted by a knock on his office door.

"Come in."

The door swiftly opens.

"Ryosuke!" Takaki put his wine glass on the table, hiding away his gloomy face and cheerfully welcomes his soon to be brother-in-law. "What are you doing here?"

"Attending your bachelor party of course!" Ryosuke approaches Takaki with a huge smile.

"Told you I don't need such thing. The only thing I'll celebrate is marrying your sister."

Ryosuke put his black backpack on the table. "Yes Romeo, I know you're very much in love," he teases. "But that doesn't mean that we can't have man-to-man moment, right?" Ryosuke grins as he takes out two cups of instant noodle from his bag. "The last instant ramen- coz after this onee-chan won't let you even think of it."

Takaki laughs. Indeed, Kei has decided to become a full-time housewife after their wedding. And Takaki knows how great of a cook his future bride is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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