E N D ❄ N O T E

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Firstly, all praises to Allah for granting me to courage and ability to write this story allowing to finish it. Secondly, a heartfelt gratitude for every single person who has given this a story a chance. I was initially very nervous to post it, because of the topic and its general avoidance, but I'm very grateful that I have gone through. The positive responses have been overwhelming, and I hope you all have learnt from reading this little story, as much as I have learnt writing it.

Just a few points I wanted to shed a light upon. 

💭 Masroor's character was used mostly as a mouthpiece, as well as a model for behaviour, that's why he may come across as overly perfect. It is difficult to find people like that in real who consistently care for a person, and do so in a wise manner. 

💭 Like I mentioned in the preface, I don't have any personal experience in any of the situations in the story, nor any second-hand experience. All of the content comes from research and just me delving into the characters. So if there was any parts where I may have portrayed anything incorrectly, or have caused any form of offense, I would be much obliged if someone corrected me. 

💭The reason I made Anwar's character a minor is to show: 1. The effect of our culture and surrounding. 2. The effect of media and society. And how they mold and twist our behaviour and belief. 3. Nothing is black and white. Every leaf has two sides. He, too, is a victim of society and cultural influences, until he perhaps didn't even realise what he did was counted as abuse. However, he was the elder of the two, and therefore had more understanding, which cannot be discounted.

Is there a reason behind how he has acted? Yes. Does that justify his actions? No. Just because there are reasons behind an abuser's actions, doesn't mean what they did was correct. 

(Also because I would not be able to stomach writing with an adult as abuser. This was bad enough. 😭)

Finally, I hope I have managed given this topic its due respect, and I have done justice to the issue. 

I pray that Allah (SWT) grants us all the correct understanding of His religion, wisdom in dealing with all issues and accepts all of our efforts. May He forgive us all. Ameen. 

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